
waterfall meme

“Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us.”
Orison Scott Marden

In the weeks and months following Mr. Virgo’s death, I wasn’t sure I would ever really laugh and feel joy again. True…I bought TOW-Wanda and joined Sisters on the Fly so I would have joyful things to look forward to, but it was truly difficult to look far enough ahead to see long lasting happiness. But, eventually, I did feel joy. I got my sense of humor back. I laughed again. There were times when I had to make the conscious decision to be happy, but those times have become fewer and farther between.

One of the first things I did in the days before the funeral was hit the bargain bin movies at Target and buy several comedies. My daughters and I watched a couple of them and I also found them to be very helpful during the dark months of winter. Another thing I did was surround myself with really fun and funny people. I have this one particular friend that can always, always, always make me laugh. When I’m down, I can call him and after the obligatory consolations, we are off on a laugh fest that has us rolling. I have several friends like that, actually. Laughter is SO important. It really IS the best medicine!

If you are new to this journey, trust me…you will laugh again. Your loved one wouldn’t want you moping around being sad for too long. On the other hand, take whatever time you need to grieve. And know it’s a roller coaster. There isn’t a single trajectory. There isn’t a right way or a wrong way. There is only YOUR way.

<3 Ginny

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