I’m the Exterminator

Mr. FixIt doesn’t like spiders and snakes. I wouldn’t say he’s necessarily afraid of them. I mean, he doesn’t scream like a little girl when he sees them. He just politely informs that there’s a spider or a snake that needs my attention. That’s ok…we all have our strengths and he makes up for it in many other ways.

When I went out the back door Sunday night, I saw a sight I instantly recognized. A shiny black spider with a big abdomen. A Black Widow! I didn’t say a word. I just took off my shoe and kinda smacked it a little. When I turned my shoe over, there was the underside of said spider with the familiar red hourglass. It was then that I showed Mr. FixIt and warned him to watch out when reaching into woodpiles and dark places because this is the time of year the critters are looking for a comfy place to spend the winter.

We had a crazy busy day yesterday. The first thing I did was make antimacassars for the new loveseat. Who knows what antimacassars are? And how did they get their name. Macassar oil was commonly. Used by men in the early 19th century to slick their hair back. It’s made of scented olive oil or castor oil. Women took to making small cloth covers for the tops of chairs to keep from getting grease stains on their furniture. Mr. FixIt doesn’t wear any product in his hair, but like most hard working men, he works outside a lot and perspires so between that and the natural oils in his hair, he stains the tops of chairs. Now, I could have put something lovely over the back of the loveseats, but the fabric is slick and the camper will be bouncing around, so I chose an older towel…a bath sheet because it was bigger. I cut it in half, hemmed the raw end, folded each half and stitched along the side selvages to creat something akin to a pillowcase. It slips right over the top of the chairs and can be removed to launder. I need to do this on the Big Red Chairs in the family room…in my spare time! lol

I went into town with a list a mile long. I can get these things done a little faster on my own because there isn’t any discussion going on and we don’t run into people we know and stand and talk for half an hour. (Bless his heart!) I dropped off the old spare tire mount at the welder and told him what I wanted. Then I ran into town and did the shopping and the mount was finished when I picked it up on my way home. Easy Peasy. The only thing I forgot to do was have him drill a hole in the bottom so the rain will drain out. But Mr. FixIt can do that today.

As happens with all campers, I came home to a mess in the bathroom. The flush valve sprang a leak so now I have to fix that today. I spent a long time last evening going through the camper and organizing the storage since we lost the space under the two bench seats. I’ll finish that up today, too. It’s always something, isn’t it? Oh, and I also have to figure out how to connect the cell booster, but honestly…that can wait till we’re camping.

I need to pop the pork roast in the oven today and get that packaged up for meals for our trip. 

Sleep is highly over-rated.


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV


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