I Love You, Mom

I’m gaining countertop space…slowly but surely!

I have a huge family now that I’ve married Mr. FixIt. I have bonus kids and bonus grandkids and even bonus great-grandchildren. But I only have two girls who I raised from birth. They both live in Colorado and I miss them tremendously. That’s why we go and spend a month every summer to see them. We have to fill up our cup when we can.

My girls are as different as night and day. Not surprising considering they were born sixteen years apart. That’s almost a generation between them. One is old school. She was raised without TV for the most part. Fiercely independent and not the least bit clingy or demonstrative. The other is my cling-on. My snuggle bunny. She is my mirror…the one who teaches me who I really am. 

Daughter #2 showers me with many terms of endearment. There are lots of hugs and kisses when we see each other. Daughter number one hugs me when I get there and when I leave. She tolerates me kissing her on the cheek and whisper how much I love her. She knows. She loves me, too. She just shows it in different ways. When she was little, she was a cuddle bug, but once she hit the teen years, those hugs and kisses were few and far between. And, like a rare gem…they’re valuable when I get them. Not that Daughter #2’s affections aren’t equally valuable…just in different ways. 

Big is just like her mom. Now that she’s in college and so grown up, she’s much freer with her hugs and I love you’s, but she’s still stingy with those kisses. Little on the other hand…is just like D2 and me…all about the affection.

Thursday morning my phone rang and when I saw the Caller ID, my heart skipped a beat. I don’t get a lot of phone call from her…especially that early in the morning. But, it was my firstborn! We had a wonderful, long conversation. She was waiting for a meeting to begin and when her coworker came in, she had to scoot quickly. I told her I loved her. And then she said…

“I love you too, Mom.”

Oh, my mother’s heart! I still get a lump in my throat when I think of it. I can hear it in my head. Hubby #2 wasn’t one to say I love you much. That’s probably where Daughter #1 got it from. When I asked him why he didn’t say it more often, he said, “If you say it too much, it loses it’s meaning.” I don’t know about that, but I can tell you this. That was truly a gift that day. A rare and precious gift I’ll never forget.

And, to top it off…Daughter #2 called in the evening. My bookends to my very good day!

I didn’t work the whole day in the kitchen yesterday, but enough of it. Everything I do shows me how much more needs doing. But, I’m on a roll now and things are taking shape. I’m moving things around and that’s always a little iffy. Mr. FixIt isn’t fond of change. We have this really old under-counter toaster oven that I just can’t stand. A few years ago, I talked my sweetheart into getting a four slice toaster so we pretty much have stopped using it. And it hangs down so low, it takes up that whole corner of the kitchen and it is wasted space.

Mr. FixIt had to go to town AGAIN yesterday, and I worked away while he was gone. I wanted to finish up a few things after supper. I kept staring at that toaster oven and hoping. I came to to the door of the family room and asked if he could come in and look at something. I think he knew what I was going to ask because we barely walked over the threshold and he said, “Yes…we can get rid of it.”

I threw my hands up and said, “Thank you, Jesus!” So, that sucker’s outta here today! Yes!!!


“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT


I love Garden Flags! I change them out with the seasons so I’m always thinking up more designs. Here’s a fun Trick or Treat flag you can personalize with a family name. Order soon so you’ll have it in plenty of time before Halloween!

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