I Got a Jump on Camping!

Gail’s early morning walk that I slept through!

Mr. FixIt goes to the bowling alley every Sunday to hang with his friends. He doesn’t bowl regularly anymore. He subs for a league he’s been on for over thirty years. When I made breakfast Sunday morning…and cleaned the kitchen right after, by the way…I had a great idea. I looked on the reservation site for the state park I’m camping in with Gail and my site was open for Sunday night? Why camp for four nights with your bestie when you can camp five, am I right? I ran it by Mr. FixIt and he said “Go for it!” He’s the coolest husband ever! So, off I went!

It’s not camping without knitting!!!

I did NOT get as early a start as I would have liked. There was this and that to do. The drive up was smooth. It was overcast and the temps were in the mid seventies. The only bad part was, I got to the campground just after dark. And man….was it ever DARK! Gail was there and she moved her car over for me so I could see where I was backing in. I’ve camped in this site so many times, I could almost back in blindfolded…which is kinda what I did.

The woodpeckers have been going to town on these oak trees.

I knew if I could just mark where the left corner of the driveway was, I could back in on a dime with a nickel left over. My first approach was slightly off the mark but Gail let me know in time. I got out, surveyed the area, pulled forward a couple of feet and bingo. She went right back where I wanted her! I really wanted to visit with Gail, but by the time I got myself unhooked and set up, I was too tired. I went over to give her her a hug goodnight. 

Gail brought her fall t-shirts she bought from Marshmallow Ranch Designs! They are so cute and really good quality. Thank you, Gail!

I slept in a little yesterday and I totally missed out on a beautiful early morning walk with Gail. She caught the sun peeking through the dense fog that had settled over the area. She was kind enough to share her photos with me so I could post them here. We had a lovely day. We ent to the grocer and picked up a few things. Then to the big box to get what the little store didn’t have.

We found tons of big, fat acorns on our walkabout last night…many of them still green. We had a hot summer and that stresses trees.

By the time we got back, I was ready for a nap. I love my camping crew. We are all on the same wavelength. So many people want to hit the ground running as soon as they get to the campground…afraid they might miss something fun. My second husband was like that when we were on vacation. Not me. I want to sleep in a little, have a leisurely breakfast, hang around the campfire and talk/knit/cook/eat. Then a little siesta/quiet time. Then another gathering at “happy hour.” Have a fire. Eat some more. And, like we did last night…call in the owls!

Ahhhh…its getting dark noticeably earlier these days. A perfect end to a really great day at the campground!

Owls are off the nest at this time of the year and you can call them in by playing recorded owl calls over a speaker. I played a few calls. Nothing. Then finally…OMGosh! They were EVERYWHERE! They were flying overhead and perching in the trees all around us. It was absolutely magical! So, turn up the sound and enjoy! 

These are barred owls. We couldn’t count how many there were…at least three, maybe more.


“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

Romans 1:11-12 ESV


I Love Fall Camping! It’s my very favorite time of the year to camp. The days aren’t too hot and the nights aren’t too cold. And when you can sit around the campfire and listen to owls??? Priceless!

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