
happiness meme
“Happiness Depends Upon Ourselves” Aristotle

Aristotle got it. Why is it, all these many years later, we still struggle with this? Granted, Aristotle didn’t have to worry about global warming, or airplanes crashing into buildings, or the stock market collapsing. He wasn’t bombarded by Madison Avenue or the 9:00 News. If he had children, they weren’t clamoring for the latest electronics or doing drugs under the bleachers. Still, he understood the nature of happiness. It comes from within. He understood this even though, I am sure, he had personal losses and disappointments.

But, what happens when you call for your old friend…happiness…and it seems she’s moved out. She didn’t leave a forwarding address. You just can’t find her anywhere, no matter how hard you try. You muddle along, that dark cloud hanging over your head. Your friends are long past caring to hear, yet again, how fabulous your loved one was. Your loved ones are thinking, “Come on, already…get over it!” Maybe they’re even telling you that…out loud! You want to stand up and say some pretty choice epithets. Yes, happiness comes from within. So does sadness. So does grief. So do all of our emotions. They originate in thoughts. And when the thoughts change, the emotions will follow…when you’re ready.

Happiness depends upon ourselves. Four little words that pack a wallop. Be patient if yours is AWOL. It will return.

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