Good Vibes

I can always tell when my vibe is on the wrong frequency by who is coming into my life. I sincerely believe we attract the kind of energy we put out. I look at the people coming into my life lens and they invariably tell me where my brain is. When I’m in this really great space, I get these really great people who show up with cool energy that syncs with mine. When I’m off, or thinking negatively about someone or something, I can just about count on someone crotchety crossing my path. I mean, it’s not always that way, but enough to see a pattern. Then there’s days like today that make you scratch your head.

I went out to the farm to pick up a truckload of stuff to take to my cousin. My aunt was as sweet as pie. She was expecting company for lunch so she was in a happy, chatty mood. The last time I was there, she told me to take the stuff off the back porch because she had put my food out there. I assumed she meant the canned goods from the pantry that I had bought so I wasn’t too concerned with it being there another week or so because my truck was full. Today, I took the stuff off the porch and put it in my truck but I didn’t see any food. Then I noticed my cooler was heavy so I opened it and nearly died. When I moved away from the farm and came to town at Christmas, I had chicken salad and yogurt in the fridge. My aunt left it in the fridge till two weeks ago when she put it in my cooler out on the back porch…in 80 degree weather! OMGosh! I’m not sure what karma I’m playing out, but that was pretty gross.

I can’t quite figure out if I’m dealing with dementia here or a just plain mean spirit. Either way, the results are the same and it’s disheartening. I pray for her, I wish her well, and I hope she gets the help she needs sooner rather than later. And, I’m getting my stuff out as fast as I can. There is nothing else I can do for her at this point.

Addendum: I debated back and forth with myself for hours after writing this post. I wasn’t sure I should talk about my elders in such a way. I’m not trying to garner sympathy either. I have family members who read my posts and I would never want to alienate them by speaking ill of my aunt. I love her. I truly do. This was just a really difficult situation for both of us. A friend if mine points out things might have been a little better had I arrived in spring instead of the onset of winter where we were thrust together in close quarters. I posit that one cannot truly know another when your only contact is as a guest on vacation. Whatever the reason, no matter the outcome, I mean no disrespect to my aunt or those who care about her.

“Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.”

2 Timothy 2:10

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