How the Girls Help With My Grief

West Virginia, Girl Campers...Going Places, Doing Things

I belong to a couple of camping groups that I’m active with. Sisters on the Fly came first. Lying in my bed four years ago, I clutched my iPad to my chest and  searched through my photo albums for every picture of Mr. Virgo. I was bereft. My heart was shattered and I wasn’t sure I could survive such a loss. Instinct…sixth sense…Holy Spirit…I was led to seek out other women to walk with me on my path.

I found a letter to the Reverend Billy Graham the other night. In it, a widow of just a few months explains how her husband died unexpectedly in his sleep and she didn’t get a proper goodbye. She asked Rev. Graham to help her. I was heartened when I read his response. He told the new widow to put her faith in God and find other widows she could help. In the helping, she would find help herself. That is exactly what Marshmallow Ranch has done for me. And Sisters on the Fly was the springboard that got me started.

A couple of years ago, I went to the Country Living Fair in Nashville with the Sisters. It was there I met Janine Pettit. Janine was a breath of fresh air and sunshine in her signature red plaid. She was working the show with and spoke with knowledge and eloquence about all things camper related. Janine is a huge promoter of women getting out there and “Going Places…Doing Things”. I was drawn to her immediately. I’ve been a guest several times on her Girl Camper podcast. She’s developed quite a following as she encourages women to take the plunge and join any of the girl-camping groups.

This past weekend, I joined Janine and eighteen or so Girl Campers for a crafting weekend in a cabin at Blackwater Falls State Park. I took my friend Deneene with me because soon she will be observing the second Angelversary of her husband’s passing. We met Cindy there. Cindy’s husband died one year ago today. Damn. Women supporting women through the good times and the bad times while reaching beyond our boundaries…that’s why I joined these groups. The comfort and support I give is returned to me 100-fold. I love my camping sisters. As I observed the passing of the fourth Angelversary, I was reminded how incredibly blessed I am. To have God and to have love.

And now….the fifth year begins. ❤️

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

12 thoughts on “How the Girls Help With My Grief

  1. I would like to hear about the crafts that you wonderful ladies created while on the camping adventure. Did you make some jewelry?

    1. No jewelry. Some knitted. Some quilted. We painted rocks and made walking sticks. We got henna tattoos! And, we each did a painting of a little camper. It was loads of fun! ❤️

  2. Women always support each other. We all have a bond. I’m glad that you have this wonderful sister’s group. You are truly blessed, Ginny❤️
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love this post and yes, you are blessed to have such wonderful women surrounding you, as well as God’s love and direction.
    In particular, I love this verse too. Thank you.

  4. Passed 4 SOTF last week headed down 101 south towards SoCal–thought of you and wondered where they were going. Sure wish I was able bodied enough to do what you do. Spent my youth camping/boating with my family–sure was fun! Still a bear-went-over-the-mountain kinda gal!

  5. Glad I finally got to meet you Ginny. Today was rough but I thought about the good memories I have and the time I spent you girls this past weekend.

    1. I’m happy to have met you as well, Cindy. I understand…the firsts are difficult. So glad you are here. ❤️

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