Gentle Guidance

“Working on my iPad in front of the big window.”

The Bible teaches us to teach others…to correct them in their ways…so that they might learn and grow and walk in the right direction with God. Yesterday, I was the recipient of such gentle guidance and it struck me deeply. It gave me a sudden insight into my own behaviors and was most welcomed.

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve mentioned several times how much work it has been to copy over the old posts from Facebook to my website. In looking back, I can see whining and complaining showing through my words. Sometimes it takes someone else to shine a light on a situation for you to really see it. That’s exactly what happened when a gentle reader wrote to me and pointed out the Bible loves a cheerful giver. I am giving to that new widow by making it easier for her to read the works that will speak into to her current situation. She pointed out that God uses ALL things for HIS good…and that includes when he put it on my heart to copy all this work over. I was reminded to think about what my spirit was while transferring. I simply love that and I am so grateful for her for taking this moment to teach me and gently correct my path. That is what we are supposed to do as Christians.

It reminded me of 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” I get busy and self absorbed and sometimes feel overwhelmed with writing deadlines. Between that and the taxes, I did not have my heart in the right place as I copied and pasted. I was just looking at it as another chore to be done. I wasn’t being mindful of the intent and for whom I was sacrificing.

Thank you, dear one. Thank you for the gentle correction and uplifting guidance. It changed my heart. ❤️

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬


6 thoughts on “Gentle Guidance

  1. When I was in Indonesia, I was taken to a small village home in Kalimantan. Our host had one chair, mats to sleep on and was busy fixing up an old tube type radio for his family. Every time I start to worry or complain God gently uses someone to remind me of Esa and how thrilled he was to offer me that worn plastic lawn chair to sit in. Our blessings are so abundant and I am so grateful when you post messages like this that help me to remember what gifts I have been given.

    1. It reminds me of a sermon topic I heard about. It was called something like this, ‘Fill me again with your Holy Spirit Lord, I leak’… We start out with excitement and good intentions when we do things, but over time it’s very easy to get worn down. I know I get worn down, then I get cranky when I am tired sometimes. It’s also okay to take breaks from hard tasks and put them into chunks. Best wishes!

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