Fitness Friday

I’ve said this before but, fitness isn’t just about the scale. Your interpersonal relationships are as important to your wellbeing as eating right and going outside to play. How you interact with other people can influence your mood and subsequently your food choices. Stress eating is a problem for a lot of people. Who hasn’t consoled themselves with Haagen Daz at one point or another? Once isn’t a problem. Making it a habit is.

I had to break up with Ben and Jerry and that wasn’t easy. I’ve been eating well for two months now so if I went off the deep end and binged on junk foods, I’d certainly pay for it. I go to the grocery store and circle the perimeter now. That’s where all the healthy food is located. The rest is made up of Frankenfood, for a lack of a better term. Overly processed foods offer very little in the way of nourishment.

I don’t mean to come across preachy. I am on a crusade for longevity. I have seen firsthand what poor diet can do. I watched my husband die of a heart attack. Mr. Virgo had a lot of calcification in his arteries. Bad genes…perhaps. But bad food choices and smoking were a deadly combo. My experience as a Diabetes Educator leads me to these conclusions, though admittedly I’m not an expert in the field of medicine. I want all of us to be around to celebrate the anniversaries to come.


“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

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