Fitness Friday

Getting fit isn’t just physical. Getting fit is a whole life experience. You can work every muscle in your body till you’re hard as steel but if your mind is mired in chaos, you’re not even half way there. If you feel right with God, but you’re going to bed every night with your two favorite men…Ben & Jerry…you’re missing the boat. I like to imagine the areas of my life individually as objects…say, apples. They each need a good washing. They will be so much more appealing if they’re given a good polishing. And they each offer the same nourishment. One isn’t more important than the other. They are apples.

My goal every day is to balance my apples…one on top of the other. One for my body, one for my mind, one for my spirit. That may not be easy. They’re round, after all. It helps if I create a flat surface as a base to stand them on.
I trim the top and bottom of my apples every day.

For my body, I do something to get my heart rate up everyday. I move my muscles and stretch. I feed it with clean, healthy food. I drink tons of water. I sleep well. I care for my body with love.

For my mind, I meditate every morning. I challenge it with new words, good conversation, clean input, and continual learning. I don’t watch TV. I listen to music as often as possible. I laugh at every opportunity. I give my mind goals and when I achieve them, I give it new ones. I look forward. I look upward. I care for my mind with love.

For my spirit, I pray every day. All day. I try to make my every thought a prayer in that I put it through my God-filter. Are my thoughts true? Are they loving? Are they helpful? Are they uplifting? Are my words spoken with love and light? In my dealings with people, have I looked for God in them? Is my motive to lift them up? Is my life a reflection of my spirit? I spend a great deal of my day in gratitude and praise. And when I fail, I forgive myself as I have been forgiven. I care for my spirit with love.

Once I have everything balanced, my life is like a lightning rod. The energy of the Universe travels right down from top to bottom, grounding me to my Earth Mother….filling her and radiating God’s Love through every molecule.
You cannot ignore one spoke in the wheel without going off the rails. Strive to achieve balance every day. Be grateful at night for another day in which to make the attempt. And rise to meet the new day with anticipation. It won’t be long till you transform your life with joy.


“My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.”

Psalms 104:34 KJV

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