Finishing Projects

I am really, really good at starting projects. I’m a Gemini. I want to know how to do EVERYTHING. And, when I start to learn everything about something, I have to buy ALL the things. The tools, the supplies, the materials, the books…the works. Because, my sweet well-meaning Gemini brain LIES to me every time! It tells me something like this…

Me: Ooooooooooh! Look at that _____________ (insert project here)

Gemini Brain: Oh, yeah!!! You can TOTALLY do that!

Me: You know it! Oh, I just love the way it makes me feel to start a new project! But, you know…we have a little problem, you and me.

GB: Problem? What problem?

Me: We like to start things, but we don’t like finishing them! And we buy WAY too much stuff. 

GB: Well, you know…any job worth doing is worth doing well and you need the tools to do it, right?

Me: Yeah…but we go WAY over board. We don’t need the BEST of everything…in every size, shape, and color! We don’t need instruction books and a video series. We don’t NEED a new sewing machine and 24 balls of sock yarn in every color way imaginable. 

GB: I don’t know what you’re talking about. WE don’t buy stuff…YOU buy stuff!

Me: Yeah? Well, you MAKE me!

No matter how much I promise myself, I swear the next project I won’t go “all in”. Actually, I have to say…the yarn and needles for this project were a gift. The instructions and tutorial were online. So, I have zero out of pocket expenses for these beauties. And…I finished them…in one week!!! Of course, I did nothing else. Nothing much anyway. Thank you, Gail…I love this gift so much and will think of you every time I knit with these beautiful needles!

I ran into a little trouble with these particular socks. I discovered I probably should have made the top part a little shorter so I wouldn’t run the risk of running out of yarn at the toe. As it is, the feet are quite short, and they’ll fit Little perfectly. Gail shared another tutorial with me yesterday that shows how to knit socks from the toe up on the same circular needle. It took me three tries to get it started right, but once I got it in my head how to do it, it went pretty smoothly. And I really love this toe! I didn’t have great luck closing the toe on the other socks with the Kitchener Stitch. This is smooth and flawless as long as you do it right.

I bought the yarn for this sock on one of my beach trips. I had some beautiful sock yarns in a basket behind the loveseat in the family room and something got in and ruined it. There were several places where the wool was eaten away and I surmise it was moths. I had to throw some of it away because literally, the yarn was in short pieces. Not even long enough to tie together and hide the ends. It was a lesson learned to never do that again.

Yes, this Gemini brain is going to learn a new skill…but I’m not going out and buying anything else for it. Except maybe some cute stitch markers. Oh, and someone went and told me about a yarn shop here in town! I might stop in there…you know…to say hello. It couldn’t hurt…right?


“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.””

1 Corinthians 15:33 NLT

2 thoughts on “Finishing Projects

  1. It is not the zodiac sign so it must be something else! As I read your comments, I thought this woman is just like me. I love learning something new. Yesterday I learned the term fussycut for quilting. Over the years, I have learned the basics of many crafts. After finding my Granny’s tatting tools, I spent hours looking for directions of how to and finding patterns. My search for new things also include making a Japanese garden, collecting all I can about natural remedies for medical problems, container gardening and the list goes on and on. I am always totally amazed when someone says they are bored. I have been called an intellectual sponge. But the things I have learned and the people I have met reward me with a fascinating life.

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