Finding a Firm Foundation

Building on a firm foundation ensures you can weather any storm.

I grew up believing there was a God, but I never had a relationship with Jesus until 2004. None of my relationships, decisions, or experiences were built on a firm foundation of faith. Pastor Justin spoke yesterday about building your foundation on solid rock, standing on it firmly, and believing there is a KING inside you. Recognizing that power and owning it is something I never experienced until after Mr. Virgo died.

Those who build their lives on a firm foundation can weather the storms of life…even when they don’t believe they can. Even when they feel God is far, far away. I can attest to that. The hurricane that overtook me when I became a widow rocked me to the soles of my feet. Yet they remained steady…planted firmly on the solid rock of faith.

This was not the case in the ‘90s. The storm came and I held onto my house of sticks on the sand with all I had. I tied a rope around my waist and lashed it to my husband, my kids, my bank account, my house…then my drugs and my cocktails. The winds blew with such force and waves lashed at my feet till they finally cut the sand out from under me…just like the ocean does when you stand in the waves. Before I knew it…the rope broke and I was cast out into the tumultuous waves and nearly was lost forevermore. It was quite evident to anyone looking that I built my house on sand.

When I had the chance for a do-over…I humbled myself and begged for mercy. I negotiated with God to let me do it this way, or that way…but He stood firm and showed me there was only His way if I wanted to go on this ride with Him. I was bone weary from trying to juggle it all on my own. I wanted to walk on the water WITH Him. So, I did the work that needed to be done. I read the Bible. I listened to praise music. I changed my “playground” and the friends I met there. I found a church family. I married someone who went to church with me, even though we were not quite equally yoked. 

This bared the stone on which I rebuilt my life and it’s been solid no matter how hard the wind has blown. One of the worship songs yesterday was “Bigger Than I Thought You Were”. I loved the lyrics. It speaks of stopping the negotiations. But the two lines I loved most were in the chorus. 

“I will rest in the Father’s hands…Leave the rest in the Father’s hands”

That has a couple of meanings to me. I will rest in His hands and leave all the rest of my worries and cares in his hands. But, in line with what we’ve been discussing the last few days concerning forgiveness, “leave the rest” can be interpreted as “stop trying to control others…leave them in God’s hands.” After all, he is SO much bigger than I ever thought He was.


“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;”

1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV

4 thoughts on “Finding a Firm Foundation

  1. Yes, I too found that the only way is just that! I’m so thankful for your words to remind us, God has us and we can rest if we have that firm foundation.

  2. When I was a single mom, I had a job that I loathed. I’d cry in the parking garage before going in to the office. But I was too scared to look for something else. It was the best money I’d ever made, and I didn’t see any way I could risk it just because I was unhappy. My son needed me to be able to support him. I remember praying, “God, please don’t let me lose this job. I need the paycheck.”

    Turned out, I lost that job. I didn’t have sense enough to let it go, so God took care of that for me. I remarried, and while things haven’t been all sunshine and roses on the financial front, we’re back on a more even keel now, and I am thankful. I’ve had to apologize to God for telling Him that all those years ago. My focus was definitely on the provision and not the Provider. I like to think I’ve learned and grown since then.

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