
Matching feather tattoos
“Matching Feather Tattoos”

Ever since Mr. Virgo died, I see birds in unexpected places…bluebirds in particular. They came to me when I sat crying at his grave many times. Once, three bluebirds actually came and sat on the open truck door as I rested my boots on the armrest. It was so comforting to me. People give me feathers. I find beautiful feathers everywhere. If they aren’t actually FROM him, they certainly make me think of him and smile.

A couple of months ago, I was out at the farm feeding the kitties and checking inside. I have a habit of laying the feathers I find up on my grandma’s buffet next to a heart shaped rock I brought to West Virginia with me. It was on Mr. Virgo’s grave and I was afraid someone might take it. Now it rests where I can see it and the feathers. I noticed on that day, one of the feathers was missing. I looked all around and under the buffet but it was gone. I was in a bit of a hurry and left, forgetting all about the feather.

Last week when I was feeling so bad about the upcoming angelversary of Mr. Virgo’s passing, I wanted to go to the farm. It’s my touchstone…my safe place. I needed the comfort of familiar surroundings. Mr. FixIt drove out with me. While he was checking the mail and the bird feeders out front, I went on in the house. As I walked through the dining room…there was the missing feather on the floor.


“Ahhh, it’s YOU!” I said as I stooped to pick up the feather. “You stinker…you told me you’d let me know you were here. I’ve got to say…I’m impressed!”

Mr. Virgo always told me he would do whatever he could to let me know he’s with me. God knows that, so He gives me reminders of my sweet Mr. Virgo. Feathers. Bluebirds. Music. It was very sweet.

I heard yesterday that the publishing company I interviewed with last week decided to go with another author for their book project. The acquisitions editor wanted me to know I was in the top of the list and they loved my writing. She also said she was disappointed but hoped she could contact me should a book that might fit come along. I threw another book idea back to her so we’ll see if there’s any interest. In the meantime, I’m in discussions for another project I’m hoping with come through. I know God will place me where I need to be and He’ll open the doors to make it happen…in His time. ❤

““Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.””
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭7:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬


12 thoughts on “Feathers

  1. Lovely, sorry about the book, but as we know, God has a better blessing for you! The verse is just what I needed today..thank you. ❤️

  2. I have been collecting feathers for years. Native Americans believe that certain color feathers mean different things when you find them, like strength, courage, perseverance, etc. It is so comforting when we can see meaning in nature. I see my wonderful mother in law when a butterfly comes out of nowhere and I remember her quiet beauty.
    Your writings have already found a place but I’m sure there is room for expansion?

  3. Thanks for this post today, my beloved passed away 3 weeks ago. I had my 1st dream of him since then last night. I will write about it in my journal tonight. Blessings to you Ginny, hope to be able to purchase a book by you one day soon

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