Fear of Change

I have a confession to make. I really hate change. Change scares me. Oh…what’s that? You, too? Fancy that! I am probably one of the most flexible, adaptable, light-on-my-feet kind of people you are ever likely to run across. Yet, since Mr. Virgo died, I dread change. The seven years he was in my life were the most peaceful years I’d ever known. It was easy being with him. He was dependable. Predictable. Steady. We approached change as an adventure we were prepared to embrace together. Change was challenging and fun. Then he died. And change became an obstacle. A chasm to be crossed…fraught with peril.

It’s not that I am a slave to routine. Quite the contrary. I get bored easily and need distractions. But those changes are under my control. I can pack up the camper and head out in any direction on any given day of the week. I can climb these steps or ride my bike. Kayak or walk. No, those things don’t bother me. What bothers me is when people I’ve come to know and enjoy spending time with have a sudden change in their lives and I’m no longer included in as many of the regular activities I enjoyed sharing with them. Whether they get a new job, a new relationship, or move to the other side of town…I dread that change.

Recent changes in the lives of several people I know and love and came to depend on for regular companionship have caused me to take a breath and look at change differently. Change is really nothing more than a transition of thought from one state of being to another. The transition takes me from where I was…where I saw myself…to where I actually am. It’s life’s reality check. I’m not a fifth wheel unless I think I am.

Depending on other people for companionship in general isn’t healthy unless you are in a committed, monogamous relationship. And even then, you should be independent enough to entertain yourself for some period of time…alone. Seek out additional friendships. I know how easy it is to slip into the comfortable shoes of dependability. But you’ve all heard it before…the only thing certain is change.


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8 NIV

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