
Dear Ones…

This is a letter to you. You know who you are. You’re the one who is struggling right now. Your heart is hurting. You cry when you think no one knows. But I know. You’ve given so much of yourself you can’t breathe anymore. Your strength is bleeding out of your very soul. You don’t know how you’re holding together. You wonder what difference you could possibly be making here. You feel like no matter what you do or what you say…it is never good enough. That YOU’RE not good enough.

I just have two words for you, dear one. Stop that! You are amazing! You are precious. You have so many gifts and talents. You have such a big heart. The people you are doing for may not notice, but God does. He is watching over every minute of your life. I know you get discouraged. But courage lies in the middle of that word. It takes great courage to be where you are. You are brave…you are strong. You have strength you aren’t even aware of. You are so much more. Stop talking yourself down. Start building yourself up. Believe in yourself. I do. You are enough. You are enough. You are enough.

With ever so much respect,



“Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,””

1 Peter 2:7 NIV

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