Drifting Along With the Tumbling Tumbleweed

We got up fairly early yesterday morning and I made a batch of fresh buttermilk biscuits. We heated up the grits and the sausage gravy and had a breakfast fit for kings! We had our last round-table discussion with Ben & Sue for awhile and it always makes me sad when I leave my kids and this beautiful couple. They have embraced me as their own for a long, long time. And When Mr. FixIt came along, they welcomed him with open arms. Mr. FixIt and Ben are so much alike, it isn’t funny. They are a hoot and a half.

We actually got on the road shortly after 10:00…not long after my goal. But we had to make a stop at Walmart to return something. And, I decided to get a twin sized mattress topper for Mr. FixIt. The one we had on his bed was too big and it kept sliding around. This one is perfect and he says it is quite comfortable. So, that’s a win!

The extra stop put us back a little, but by the time we passed E-470…the outer ring of the circle around Denver…it was closing in on 11:00 and the traffic thinned out nicely. It becomes much more like normal interstate driving. When we added the extra overnight on our way to Colorado, I knew I wanted to do the same going home. That made us leave a day early, but the kids were all busy yesterday anyway so it wasn’t a big deal. 

We stayed overnight in Colby, KS at the Whistlestop Antiques and Campground. It was SO windy when we got there, and I was really worried about setting up the camper. We were very careful, but you could still see a little daylight in the top driver’s side corner. We slung a rope over the top and tied it to the back bumper and the front hitch to give more protection should the wind pick up during the night.

We had water service last night so we each took a sponge bath to get the dirt of the day off. We felt so refreshed afterwards. The campground is right by Walmart, so Mr. FixIt took a walk over there before supper and brought home cookies! He saw tumbling tumbleweeds on the way back. We pulled sandwich fixings out of the fridge and had a picnic sitting on the edge of our beds chatting. I don’t know why, but this little camper feels so much more like real camping. My big camper is seriously a small house. You almost feel like you’re roughing it in the little a-frame.

So, today is more of the Kansas highway. I know it has its own beauty, and I’m looking for it. We passed fields with thousands of round bales of hay. There were interesting cuts in the earth where creeks and rivers carved up the terrain in the days of rain. I have no idea when they last saw rain here, but I’ve never seen the west this arid. It’s scary. Like, Dust Bowl scary. Please pray for any moisture they can get.

Oh, Daughter #1 went to an Octoberfest celebration last night and texted me. She had just met the sister of a guy Mr. FixIt and I graduated from high school with. She and her husband have retired in Colorado. What a teeny, tiny world it is, yes? I’m looking forward to seeing an old friend from Sisters on the Fly tonight. She and a couple of gals are coming out to see us at the campground and bringing Chinese food for dinner! I can’t wait to see them!


“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

John 15:13 ESV

2 thoughts on “Drifting Along With the Tumbling Tumbleweed

  1. I remember Kansas. Years ago driving through that state on way to Colorado for my husband to go hunting. I thought no one lived there. Just flowing fields. I was always on the lookout for John Wayne to come over a ride. Lol. Good memories

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