Day 48: Trial and Error in the Kitchen

I was really productive in the kitchen yesterday. I made a double batch of spaghetti sauce and cooked a huge pork shoulder…both in crockpots. Then I decided to try my hand at making yoghurt in my instapot. That was a big no go. It smelled like yoghurt, but even after 10 hours, it was still a soupy mess. I used to have a yoghurt maker a zillion years ago and I used yoghurt starter. I never had a bad batch. So, I gave in and ordered a yoghurt maker online. I eat a lot of yoghurt so I think it will soon pay for itself. You can buy one HERE.

I’m on Day 3 of the Sourdough Starter. Oh, my gosh…this is like having another pet! You have to feed and water it every day. Like…forever! The guy on the YouTube video said it’s like brushing your teeth…you’ll just get used to it being something you do every day. I am looking forward to trying it out though. Mr. FixIt and I both love sourdough bread. And, I had sourdough whole wheat pancakes once and they were fabulous. We’ll see how this works out.

My friend, Kate Dunbar, is the Campground Gourmet. She sent me this sourdough starter and she used to have her own bakery, so I’m guessing it’s pretty good stuff. Kate is the Food Editor for Girl Camper and she takes the most beautiful photographs of food. I really need to up my game. I would love to put lovely photos out for you like the one above, but I seldom remember to take pictures till either the kitchen is a disaster or I’ve finished and the product is half eaten. I’ll try to remember to take pictures more often.

Mr. Virgo used to roll his eyes when I cooked. I can cook for two and make the kitchen look like I’m feeding the 5th Battalion or something. I try to clean as I go, but I seem to be able to do one or the other…not both at the same time. This makes for long days in the kitchen, but I really am enjoying it at this point so I’m not complaining. 

Things are starting to open up, but we’re still closed for business here on the Ponderosa. We’ve had no lack of things to keep us busy at home. I want to see the grandkids and the babies, but we’re just going to have to wait for a while to see how things go. We think that is the prudent thing to do. That being said, it is really hard to believe it is May already.

I hope you are all staying well and doing the best you can. My prayers are always with you.


“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God,”

2 Corinthians 3:5 ESV

One thought on “Day 48: Trial and Error in the Kitchen

  1. I’m so sorry your yogurt didnt turn out! I make yogurt about every 3-4 days. I have the small 3 qt instant pot. Into that I put a whole bottle of 2% Fairlife milk and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix it really well. It doesn’t need the pressure lid so I just cover it with a paper plate. Press the “yogurt” button and leave it. For 8 hours. I then dump it into euro yogurt strainer I got online. Cover it and put it in the fridge for about 6 hours. Longer if you like thick yogurt. Perfect every time! I hope your new yogurt maker works for you!

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