Day 360: Look Who’s on the News!

After I had my covid test on Tuesday, they told me to “go home and stay there…don’t be around anyone that you don’t live with.” Well…that’s, like…everyone in Florida! I lasted till the sun started to turn everything golden then I couldn’t stand it…I had to get out of this room. We decided to take a drive and find a place to get something to eat. A Wendy’s salad was just what the doctor ordered! We pulled into a Walmart parking lot to eat and the sun was setting. I had to grab a quick photo. We were saying how pretty the sunset would have been over on the beach. But we watched the local news and the next week is supposed be 80-82 and sunny! I’ll take it!

Another fun thing…we were watching the NBC Nightly News last night and Lester Holt always does a feel good story at the end of the show. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a little notice on the NBC News app asking people to submit the last photo on their phones from before the lockdown last year. I submitted a photo showing me holding our three great grandchildren on my lap at the mall. When the story started, I started to say, “I wonder if they’ll show my picture?” And…boom, there it was! I was amongst good company with Dr. Fauci and Lester Holt himself. Pretty fun!

You can watch the video on my YouTube Channel HERE.

It was bittersweet, though…looking at all those pictures of all those people who had no idea the world was going to be forever changed the following day. It’s been a year now since the pandemic was declared. Just a few more days till my 365 Project is complete.

I’m well prepared for my surgery today. I read the entire preparation app again that the surgical center provides. I have my little bag packed with the things I need for my very brief stay. I have to be there by 5:30 in the morning and I should be finished and out of there by noon. Then we can head to our other hotel and rest the remainder of the day. Thank you for all your prayers and support. This has been a long journey getting to this point. I read the stories of some of the other people who suffer with hyperparathyroidism and how it seems to take forever to get a diagnosis. This is not an innocuous disease. If left untreated, it can cut years off your life and it makes people miserable. I am so blessed to be here now!

Let’s do this!


“Christ gives me the strength to face anything.”

Philippians 4:13 CEV

#Endurance, #Hope, #Faith

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