Day 307: What Will This Day Bring?

Our days run together punctuated with high drama and mundane tedium. Since before Christmas, I have spent many hours every day…snuggled in my really awesome new recliner…moving those posts from Facebook to my website. Day after day…it’s pretty much the same. Which breakfast should we have today? Get the second cup of coffee. The hours are filled in between with writing. We don’t really eat lunch so the next big event is “What shall we have for supper?” Then it’s news and I’m off to write my post.

The television drones in the background. I half watch old reruns of Andy Griffith and Frazier while I work. I can pretty much tolerate anything but westerns. We hit pause and discuss something that strikes me in a post written the year I moved into Grandma’s farmhouse….something funny, something sad. We enjoy the rhythm of marriage in our 60’s. It’s hard to be out and about like we were BC (Before Covid). So we’ve kind of adopted this sort of life-on-pause moment of comfort and acceptance…and immense gratitude that we don’t have to go through this alone. I know how much harder this would be if it would have happened when I was actively grieving.

We are happy when a day goes by without a breaking news bulletin. We are happy when we laugh together over a funny sitcom. We are happy when we can sit in companionable silence and catch one of us smiling at the other. We forgive when close quarters cause frayed nerves and terse words to escape. We love even with the extra padding and lack of motivation. We share toast and tea and time.

We’ve been having snow off and on. Big fat fluffy flakes coming down all willy-nilly. Mr. FixIt says “Blizzard!” I say “Squall!” We laugh. Inside jokes are a big source of entertainment. I love when a relationship gets to the point when you can say “Remember when…?” He went out to check something the other day and about busted himself slipping on the ice. I ask him to please wear his boots instead of tennies in the snow. He calls out “Be careful!” when I take out the trash. We’re “of a certain age” and we’ve got each other’s back.

The days may seem to run over each other and blend together but I’m telling you this…if they don’t hold drama from hour to hour, not knowing what’s coming next, wondering what disaster has befallen us now….well, that is a good day as far as I am concerned. I can settle down in my big red recliner and pass the time in peace. Let us pray the days ahead are just this way.


“I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.”

John 16:33 CEV

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