Day 264: Buying in Bulk

We’re being exceedingly careful when we venture out shopping. We try to time our trips to the store when we are least likely encounter large crowds. Just about every state in the country is experiencing a large surge in Covid cases and we are bound and determined to not become statistics. It’s not easy to dodge crowds at this time of year, so we’ve taken to buying in bulk at Sam’s and limit exposure by limiting the trips themselves.

We hit the jackpot this week. Sam’s had 90/10 ground beef for $2.68 a pound. I only bought one five pound package. I should have bought two at that price. We also bought a family pack of really nice pork chops. When we got home, I divided the meat up in meal sized packages and froze all but what I needed for spaghetti sauce last night. All told, we got four meals out of last night’s sauce. And put twelve packets of meat in the freezer. Each freezer pack came out to $2.65. Not bad for a few minute’s work.

There didn’t seem to be a shortage of anything when we were shopping. There was plenty of toilet paper and paper towels. I was pretty amazed that all the Christmas decorations were gone, save for three styles of trees. Granted, it was Tuesday so we didn’t see any of the shopping frenzy we might have seen over the weekend, but it seemed like there was plenty of everything. Hopefully we’ll avoid the kind of hoarding we saw in the spring at the beginning of the pandemic.

So, the vaccines are coming. Now the big hurdle will be whether people feel safe taking them. Personally, if Dr. Fauci will take it, so will we. I grew up in the polio years…I understand the importance of vaccines. I worked my whole life in the medical field, my last job in Clinical Pharmaceutical Research. By the time they get to the point of vaccinating our age group, there will have been several months of injections given and we’ll have an even better idea of how they work. I know you have to do what you feel is best, but the more people who receive the vaccine, the greater the “herd immunity” and the quicker we can get life back to some semblance of normalcy. I don’t know about you…but I’m more than ready! I want to see my Colorado peeps!

The tree is still not up…but I’m making great strides in getting ready for it. The packages have been shipped (and received). Still a little shopping but it’s online and they are delivering it to the recipients. Then I can sit down and write the greeting cards and do a little knitting. It’s just been crazy busy around here…but in a good way!


“Be sensible and store up precious treasures— don’t waste them like a fool.”

Proverbs 21:20 CEV

4 thoughts on “Day 264: Buying in Bulk

  1. yup many local stores can take an online order (check their webpage) charge it to your card and bring it right to your car. Not spur of the moment mind you, but local money stays local!

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