Day 263: Wishes to Prayers, Coincidences to Blessings

In the spring, I noticed my knuckles were swelling and painful. Arthritis? Could be. It’s also one of the myriad symptoms of hyperparathyroidism…of which I was unaware at the time. All I knew was, I was baking a lot and gardening a lot and my rings were becoming harder and harder to slip off and on. One day in particular really scared me. It took lots of uncomfortable coaxing to get my rings off. I certainly didn’t want to run the risk of having to get them cut off. I’ve seen that done and it isn’t pleasant for the recipient. Once I managed to get the rings off that time, they went to the safety deposit box. 

All summer, my finger was naked and I hated that I couldn’t wear my wedding rings. However, I equally hated the idea of asking Mr. FixIt to buy me another wedding band…even a simple gold band. As the year wore on, I thought I might broach the subject as a possible gift idea for Christmas, then the microwave bit the dust and there may be a trip to Florida coming up if this parathyroid surgery thing happens. Besides, we just bought these new recliners. I don’t need tchatchkes and I really have everything I could possibly want. I decided not to ask. But ohhhhh, how I wanted a ring on my finger. I did what I always do…I just handed it over to God and put it out of my mind.

The other evening, Mr. FixIt was rummaging around in the basement for quite some time. When he came back up, he had a small case and set it on the floor in front of his recliner. I turned on the overhead light and sat on the floor to see what was in the box. It turned out to be some of his uncle’s “treasures”. Things like war memorabilia and old pocket watches that didn’t work. I am a sucker for things like this so I was having a big time.

“Maybe my new wedding ring is in this box.”

I looked up into my husband’s puzzled face. He knows my rings don’t fit but we’ve never spoken about it.

I smiled. “I asked God to bring me a new one that fits.”

He looked down into the box and picked something up. “How about this one?”

It was old and worn and looked like a piece of an old brass tube. I buffed it hard on the carpet and the tarnished surface remained unchanged. I slipped it on my finger and…I know this sounds SO weird, but…it felt like it belonged to me. Like I’d worn it forever. It was absolutely the perfect size. As a matter of fact, I can’t even tell I’m wearing it. I instantly loved it. It felt like I’d found something just yearning to be back on someone’s finger to be loved again. I didn’t even care that it was rough and tarnished.

Mr. FixIt smiled at my pleasure over such a simple thing. He pondered who the ring might have belonged to and when it was worn last. We went through the rest of the treasures and put the box away. I kept looking at my new wedding band and was happy as a little clam.

We had to run to town yesterday. We never found the missing link of Mr. FixIt’s bracelet so we decided to stop at the jeweler to see if it could be fixed. While we were waiting, I slipped off the new/old ring and asked my sweetheart to see if the jeweler could buff it up a little. I went around and browsed at the sparklies. Finally, he stepped back over and handed me a ring. 

“I don’t know about that old one, but they found this one for you to try.”

I looked down at the shiny gold ring and back at him. 

“This can’t possibly be the same ring!”

“It is…one and the same. The jeweler just buffed it up!”

Oh, my gosh, you guys. You could have knocked me over with a feather! I slipped this beautiful 16K gold band on my finger and sent up a thank you to Jesus. This was way above and beyond what I ever thought I’d get for Christmas. I would have been happy with the tarnished one, but this? Wow.

My wish became a prayer. What seemed like an uncanny coincidence turned into such a sweet blessing. Not only did I get a new wedding ring that fits perfectly, but my sweetheart got to share something that once belonged to a very special man in his life. When his uncle was a widower and old and alone, Mr. FixIt used to go to his house every single day after work and fix his dinner for him. He took him wherever he wanted to go. He helped him around the house on his days off. I am so honored to share this piece of his past. I’m so grateful to be a part of this story.


“If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife. Treat her with honor, because she isn’t as strong as you are, and she shares with you in the gift of life. Then nothing will stand in the way of your prayers.”

1 Peter 3:7 CEV

6 thoughts on “Day 263: Wishes to Prayers, Coincidences to Blessings

  1. This was something I needed. My 45+ year old wedding band is getting thin and won’t stay in its round shape , I can still skip it in and off easily. I think about replacing it but I don’t think I will. Maybe God will send me something?
    Love reading your posts!

  2. Lovely story, your new ring is truly special. My wedding band became so tight It was a real struggle to remove it. I took it into the jeweller in our town and he did an amazing job of enlarging it.

  3. My fairly wide wedding band became too loose when I lost weight after Keith passed. One day I was rinsing my hands while cooking, and shook my hand to get water off–the ring went flying across the room. If it had happened outside somewhere, I might never have found it, so I shifted it to my right hand where it fit better. My left hand ‘missed’ having a ring, so I bought two inexpensive gold bands made as ring guards. One for him and one for me. They are so small, they slip with ease over my knuckles, but snuggle in place in the old ring spot. Problem solved.

    There is a trick if your ring sticks. Google “remove tight ring with thread” to view it.

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