Day 245: More Foodi Fun!

OMGosh! The longer I have this new kitchen toy, the more I absolutely love it! I was skeptical when I saw the picture of the golden brown, perfectly roasted, crispy-skinned chicken in the little cookbook that came with my Ninja Foodi. I mean, who hasn’t had trouble getting a product to come out looking like the photo on the box, right? Well, I am here to tell you, I made the BEST roasted chicken last night for supper and it was a “piece of cake”, so to speak.

When I saw the time had crept away from me and it was going on 5:00, I thought I’d have to wait another night before I cooked the chicken I bought Thursday. I was planning on trying the recipe for the Foodi and when I saw the times listed, I figured…what the heck, I’d give it a shot. Preparing the chicken itself was simple. 

I removed the giblets from the cavity, gave it a good rinse, and tied the legs together with kitchen twine. I added lemon juice, water, honey, fresh thyme, garlic, salt, and whole peppercorns to the bottom of the cook pot of the Ninja Foodi. I place the whole chicken in the air fryer basket and lowered it into the cook pot and placed the pressure cooker lid on. I set the pressure to HI and the time to 22 minutes and set to peeling three Yukon Gold potatoes.

A few weeks ago, I found a small pressure cooker at a thrift store. It’s not much bigger than a large saucepan. I placed the potatoes in the bottom on the steamer rack, added a generous cup of water, and placed the lid on but didn’t light the burner. I opened a jar of the half runner beans I canned this fall and set them on to simmer with a pat of butter and a tiny bit of bacon grease for flavor.

I mixed up some gravy and set it on the back burner to simmer. About that time, the timer went off on the Foodi. I let it cool on it’s own for 5 minutes before I opened the vent and released the pressure. I gently patted the skin with a paper towel and spritzed the skin with a touch of olive oil, then sprinkled with cracked seas salt and ground pepper. I let the air fryer lid down but didn’t turn it on yet. I just wanted the chicken to stay hot. When the pressure cooker got up to temp and the weight started jiggling a little, I set the time for 8 minutes.

I turned the air fryer on, set the temp to 400 degrees and the timer to 10 minutes. The timer for the potatoes went off a few minutes before the air fryer was finished. I let it cool a bit then released the steam. When it was almost finished venting, I ran some water over the lid to finish exhausting the pressure rapidly. I strained out the potatoes, put them in a dish with a little butter, and mashed them by hand.

The timer went off on the air fryer at the same time the mashed potatoes were ready. The gravy had been turned down to simmer so it was hot, as were the green beans. All that was left was to take the chicken out of the pot and plate everything up. We had a delicious meal in less than 45 minutes! I was stunned! And ohhhhhhh….the chicken was as melt-in-your-mouth tender as a rotisserie chicken from the deli but without all that sodium. And the skin was indeed golden brown and crispy. Seriously, the only way you could tel you hadn’t roasted that chicken was how moist and tender the meat was.

My forays in the world of kitchen appliances have not always been wildly successful, but I have to say, this was the best investment I’ve ever made. I can’t wait to try other things like ribs and roast.

Oh, and speaking of appliances, Mr. FixIt and I were having our coffee yesterday, watching the news when he asked, “Do you remember if that microwave we ordered yesterday had a recirculating exhaust or external vent?” I remembered talking to the sales person earlier, but to be honest, I couldn’t remember if we discussed that feature when we actually placed the order. He called Lowe’s and, wouldn’t you know…it was the wrong kind of vent. We don’t have a vent that goes outside. So, we had to call and cancel the microwave. Mr. FixIt started researching more microwaves after supper.

It’s always something, isn’t it? 


“Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave some of it to his disciples. He did the same with the fish.”

John 21:13 CEV

#NinjaFoodi, #CovidCooking, #AirFryer

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