Day 222: “Doo, Doo, Doo…Lookin’ Out my Back Door”

When we got back from the beach, we had thirty-three pounds of bagged and frozen fish filets in our huge cooler packed in ice. We have a refrigerator out in the pole building and I needed to move some stuff out of that freezer to make room for the fish. I had several bags of vegetable soup, a pound of hamburger, and a small chuck roast in there. I put them down in the refrigerator part and yesterday, I checked and they were just starting to thaw a bit.

I carried it all inside and dumped the soup in a large pot. I added a quart of the tomato sauce I canned earlier this summer. Then I chopped up the hamburger, cubed the chuck roast, and tossed them in a little flour, added salt and pepper and cooked them till they had just lost their pink color. I added the meat to the soup, adjusted the seasonings, and brought it to a boil. Then I canned eleven quarts of fabulous vegetable beef soup. Now I have all this great soup to add to the shelves for winter. Canning is a lot of work up front, but it sure saves time when you’re fixing a meal. And there’s nothing better than homemade vegetable beef soup!

As I was waiting for the last canner load to process, I sat down in the family room and looked out the back door. I caught this sliver of moon hanging low over the near field beyond the pole building. You can see the honeysuckle vines on the fence to the left of the back gate. The fog rolled in as night fell. I love the little treasures I find every day here in the country. After a day of standing on your feet and working, having these moments to catch my breath and share this beauty with my love is a blessing I still have to pinch myself over.

A friend of mine texted the other day. She was the Human Resources Director that initially hired Mr. Virgo in Aspen. We’ve been friends ever since and she was the person who came to my home the week after Mr. Virgo died to help me begin to make some sense of the paperwork involved with dying. Anne was back at her Colorado house cleaning out more “stuff” when she came across a couple of pictures she had to share with me. They were taken at our wedding and one shows Mr. Virgo walking out and up the aisle to wait for me. I smiled when I saw him. I rarely see pictures of him that I haven’t seen before.

I don’t cry anymore when I see pictures of him. He has been placed in a safe place in my heart and I rarely take him out. I’ve learned how to live in the present and enjoy what God has given me this go ‘round. But I did have a dream about Mr. Virgo the other night. And my mom. Mom had passed the year before I met Mr. Virgo so he only got the stories. In my dream, I realized I hadn’t seen Mr. Virgo in a while so I told my mom I was headed to Aspen to see if I could find him. I’ve had that dream a couple of times since he died. The first time, I found him in my dream. He was working in an office. He was wearing a handsome hand-tailored suit and was shuffling papers at a large desk. We sat down and talked, although I can no longer remember what was said. This time, I couldn’t find him. It didn’t leave me bereft like the first time. It was more like, “Ahhhh, yes…I remember that love. He doesn’t live here anymore.” It’s ok now. It’s ok to move forward. It’s ok to have a happy life and to laugh and love again. And, it’s ok to keep those memories tucked in a safe place in your heart. Because they will never go away entirely. I am blessed to have a strong, secure man who gave me room to hold those memories.

So, today I get my annual mammogram. Keep checking the tatas, ladies…it’s important. Then, I am going to go to the courthouse and exercise my right to vote. Who knows what I’ll get into after that? Mowing, probably. We are thinking this is probably the last time of the season since we have had two hard freezes here. We’ll have a little warm up in the coming days before the regular frosts of fall arrive. And you know what that means in West Virginia, right? The arrival of the Asian Ladybugs and those gosh awful stink bugs! Ugh…it’s just an infestation and I dread them every fall. Here’s hoping the blue Dawn and water solution I sprayed around the windows and doors helps to ward them off.


“They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the Lord I cut them down.”

Psalms 118:12 NIV

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