Day 206: A Disappointment…and a Surprise!

We went to pick up that chair at the antique store yesterday. When I first set eyes on it, I thought “It looks so much smaller in person.” Then I sat in it. It was so uncomfortable. I have long legs and the seat didn’t come anywhere near the back of my knees. The cushion was stiff and the padding on the arms was back too far. I was so disappointed as I was sure I could never sit in that chair for hours and write. I told the clerk that I was so sorry…the chair just wasn’t going to meet my needs. He was very good about it and said not to worry one bit. 

We went on to look around the antique shop…something Mr. FixIt and I both truly enjoy doing together. I love this particular establishment because it is well stocked and everything is so nicely displayed. I rummaged around looking into and under things and spied a nice eleven inch cast iron skillet. So many of the newer skillets have a rough surface and I don’t like them. The food tends to stick to them and make a mess. I prefer an older, smooth surface skillet that you can season well. I like Griswold skillets, but they are getting harder and harder to find. This one doesn’t have a brand on it, but I’m looking forward to cleaning it up and seasoning it. It’s a great size for burgers and steaks.

The other evening, Mr. FixIt came home from town with a bag of groceries in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other. As we sat down to watch church online yesterday, I saw the sun shining in on my fur throw and thought it would be a lovely setting to photograph my roses. This man is the sweetest gift from God. He’s my best friend and my playmate and my argument buddy. He’s the first man in my life that I can be absolutely ME with…100%…and he loves me no matter what comes out of my mouth. He is infinitely patient, kind, gentle, and funny. He pushes my buttons just enough to get a rise out of me and knows when to back off. He would do absolutely anything for me…I know this, and rest comfortably in it. I would do absolutely anything for him, too. We’ve got each other’s backs…always. Our second wedding anniversary is October 13th and we will be at the beach. He wasn’t sure he would be able to find roses for me there. We are going to avoid going in shops, anyway. So…I got my roses early. And aren’t they amazing? They remind me of autumn with their vibrant red and orange color. What a lovely treat! I am truly blessed.

I never dreamed I would get to do this again. I know I’ve said that before, but it’s always worth saying again. God saved the best for last.


“Love never fails!…”

1 Corinthians 13:8 CEV

4 thoughts on “Day 206: A Disappointment…and a Surprise!

  1. I’m with you – God saved the best for last for me, too! My husband and I both went to Baylor. We were there at the same time, ran in a lot of the same circles, but didn’t meet until we met online in 2005. We’ve been married twelve years now. I think I’ll keep him! We joke that we share a brain, because we kind of do. He’s my favorite!

    Happy anniversary to you and Mr. FixIt! I’m glad you found your person, too.

  2. When I first got married, my brother gave me a set of three cast iron skillets (small, medium, and large). I was a little dismayed at the odd rough surface in the bottom. Now that I’ve been using it for 38 years, it is nice and smooth 🙂 I don’t remember paying attention well enough to tell when the change occurred, but it’s been smooth for many years. My mother-in-law says that certain family members are already squabbling over who gets her cast iron frypan when she passes on!

    1. I’ve been told that…but I don’t have enough years left to wait that long! lol I understand wanting those hand-me-down iron skillets. I lost several in the downsizing that I’d love to have back about now! ❤️

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