Day 110: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…

I was just a child when President Kennedy uttered those famous words. I am not a strong student of the political climate of the early ‘60s, but I do know the times were changing…much as they are now. But, the big difference is…we are a more divided nation now, I think. Everything seems to be pitting us against one another, driving a wedge between us. But, is it really? Or is that the illusion? Is that what the enemy wants you to believe? And, by the enemy, I am NOT pointing to anyone politically. I am referring to THE enemy…the ULTIMATE enemy. 

I’m not sure there is any issue more blatantly representative of this politicization than face masks. For some unknown-to-me reason, there is a huge faction of our populace who think being asked to wear a face mask is akin to denying us our inalienable rights. I don’t know about you and where you stand on the issue. And I’m not bringing this up to start a fight or to invite controversy. I’m just making an observation that there seem to be two camps…those that will wear them and those who refuse, for whatever reason.

There are plenty of graphics around that show the benefits of wearing a mask and how it can help keep down the spread of Covid-19. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you may remember I wrote early on that there would come a time in this when people would deny what they saw with their own eyes and would rebel. And it seems we are in the midst of that these last couple of weeks.

Wearing a mask is such a simple thing to do. It’s a sign of mutual respect to try to keep others from getting sick. I know, there are a very few who cannot physically wear the masks because of COPD or asthma or some underlying medical issue. But, for the most part, it will not hurt us to wear a mask when we are out and about. We will not die from carbon dioxide poisoning. I know, I know…I’m opening a can of worms here. But I have spent long days wearing masks and I have not dropped dead from it. Neither have the surgeons and anesthesiologists and nurses who wear them for hours at a time, day in and day out.

People don’t seem to understand what is coming out of our mouths. I get it. It’s hard to understand the water droplets and how they travel and carry the virus along with them. I’m a visual person, too. I need to see a demonstration or try things out myself. I am a hands on learner. And, when I saw this picture posted yesterday, I knew…this is the teaching tool that might finally make people understand.

When we go out in the cold in the winter time, we all are very familiar with what happens to our breath. We exhale a cloud out into the cold air with every breath we breathe out. And that cloud is the water droplets that carry the coronavirus. If you are outside, standing six feet away from each other, the chance of breathing in someone else’s “cloud” is reduced. However, if you are standing in a crowded place indoors with little air filtration, your “cloud” and my “cloud are going to mix with all the other “clouds” within a certain radius.

Now, that’s with just basic breathing. Add alcohol, a crowded bar, loud music and shouting to be heard over it…folks leaning in to catch what you said. You’ve just amped up that little conversational “cloud” into a big, bad storm “cloud”. Or, you’re standing in lines to get into a crowded restaurant. Or, you’re in a crowded shopping situation. This is why the folks going to the beach are spreading the virus faster than those who marched in any of the protests out of doors…because they spent a good amount of time interacting with others in restaurants, bars, and shopping.

This brings up the subject of singing…including in church. You actually CAN sing with a mask on. And if you can’t, then be sure you are maintaining social distance. And if you can’t, then…either don’t sing, or stay home and watch online. It’s not forever. It’s not permanent. It’s just for now…for a little while longer. And it’s not trying to take away your rights. Do you think Jesus would risk making others sick? I have to think he would be fine with us being our brother’s keeper and…you know…putting others above ourselves.

If neither of us wear a mask, our risk of infecting others or being infected ourselves is at its highest. If we both stay indoors away from everyone, our risk is at its lowest. Somewhere in between the two is where we have to live in the coming months until either the virus morphs into something less infectious, or there is a trusted vaccine or treatment. The kindest and most recommended place to stand on that spectrum is to accept the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask so we CAN get back to normal faster. Europeans did it, and look at their numbers. 

You wear a seat belt. You put your babies in car seats. You don’t eat food off the floor of a bathroom in a New York subway. You stop at stop signs. Being asked to wear a mask is no more an infringement on your rights than any of these other things. We all have the right to live and our best chance to do that is to be careful as best we can. If you don’t have a mask, let me know…I’ll make sure you get one.

So, that’s my soapbox for the day. I know all the arguments. I think I’ve heard every one of them…many times. This is just me, asking you to be careful and stay healthy so that we ALL can be free after they get a handle on this. ‘Cause…I love y’all!


“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4 ESV

10 thoughts on “Day 110: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…

  1. Very well said. I have been distressed lately by this controversy. Mainly because of where I see the lines drawn among friends. My family and I stand in the middle right next to common sense and have suffered name calling from both sides. I want to withdraw from society but that’s what the enemy wants, to silence as many voices of reason as possible.

    I make masks and give them away. My target is for those who are immune suppressed and those most vulnerable but I turn no one down. My husband and I believe this was and is a mission given to us from God. At first hubby was unconvinced that people would want my homemade masks. A woman where he works (big box home improvement store) returned from overseas and felt she didn’t need to self quarantine even though she came from a hot spot. He asked for a mask to wear at work and was the first to do so. Then he had asked for extras for the older workers even though he had been made fun of. Another person from a hot spot didn’t want to quarantine and came to work. The next day a gentleman came in desperately seeking a mask for his elderly father. Hubby gave him one of his. The man was so grateful that hubby came home and asked for more masks. We both felt that man was sent specifically to open or eyes to the need here for the vulnerable who couldn’t get out to shop safely. Soon I was sending masks to the hospital and mailing them from coast to coast. My efforts are winding down now but if needed I’ll willingly make more.

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