Day 106: Tipping the Scale

Oh….it’s July. I feel like we should be peeking around the corner very carefully…you know, just in case it’s a trap!

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. All the usual precautions…wear a mask, don’t arrive more than fifteen minutes before your appointment, practice social distancing, no one can come with you. No problem…this was my “Great Escape”….my master plan for getting a few hours on my own.

They took my temp, asked me the questions…Have you traveled outside the country in the past fourteen days? I wish! Have you had a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing? Nope. Have you been around anyone diagnosed with Covid-19? No, I haven’t been around anyone but Mr. FixIt since February…that’s why I’m at the doctor ALONE! I feel kinda like I did the first time my last child went to school. Yippeeeeee!

Lorri called me back and we exchanged the usual pleasantries. She finally got a little time off. My feet and legs aren’t hurting as much. She’s been having some neck pain. I’ve been trying to get three hours to myself. You know…girl stuff. Then…she took me down the hall…to the dreaded scale.

Now, if you have been reading this blog at all for the last four months, you know that I have been obsessed with baking. Sourdough, homemade pizza, tofu, biscuits, English muffins, jam, apple pie, yoghurt. Comfort foods like fried potatoes and cookies and grilled cheese. Outings for ice cream. Hokey smokes…I’ve been doing the walk of shame from the refrigerator to the recliner for months! I was really, REALLY dreading this. But…what can you do? It’s gotta be done, I suppose.

I was shocked.

I gained one pound. Sixteen little ounces!

Dodged a bullet there. 

During my seven or so hours on my own, I went to Sam’s and Walmart and the Post Office. I stopped and got Mr. FixIt a drink and waited outside PT for the last five minutes so I could give it to him. I mean, I was driving right by…and I knew he would appreciate a cold drink after they worked him hard in there. Yeah…I’m such a softie. What can I say…I love the big lug!

While I was out driving around, I was still trying to figure out what went wrong with my sourdough on Monday. I went through all the steps trying to figure out what was different when it struck me. The last time I bought unbleached flour, it was the the only kind they had at the Piggly Wiggly…the store brand. Cheap, yes…but who knows how old or what quality it was or even if it really WAS unbleached. You have to used unbleached flour or the wild yeasts are killed by the residual chlorine in the flour. As I was thinking back, I realized the last couple of weeks, my sourdough starter hasn’t been as robust as it had been. That had to be it. I bought some King Arthur’s Unbleached All Purpose Flour at the store, came home, and fed the starter and…BAM! Bubbly and active. I love science!

Once the groceries were put away, I spent over an hour out in the pool. Now…that was heavenly! It was 90℉ and sticky humid. I vacuumed and skimmed the pool and floated around and gazed upon my surroundings. God and I had a long talk and I apologized that I hadn’t been spending enough time with him of late. I thanked him for every single thing I set my eyes on. And then…I thanked him so much for giving me the greatest guy a gal could ever want when he set Mr. FixIt in my path.

Seven little hours. One little pound. 

It was a really great day.


“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

Psalms 51:10-12 NIV

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