Date Night…”Mamma Mia – Here We Go Again!”

Mamma Mia
“Mamma Mia! I’ve always loved what Daughter #1 called ‘Singing and Dancing Movies’.”

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV

We were at the mall the other day and I saw that Mamma Mia 2 was showing. I asked Mr. FixIt if he had ever seen the original and he said he hadn’t. Well, we couldn’t go see the second till he saw the first, so I downloaded it on i-Tunes. We watched it Monday night and he really enjoyed it.

Yesterday was mowing day at the Ponderosa and when we were finished, Mr. FixIt asked if I wanted to go see the new movie. Now, this would only be the second time he and I have gone to a movie together. We don’t even watch them at home. Because…I don’t watch TV. I can’t even tell you what the name of the movie was we saw last year. I don’t remember what it was about. All I know is it was LONG and I sat through it thinking of about a million other things I could be doing with that time.

This is a side effect of my grief. My attention span was that of a hamster. I didn’t read books…I didn’t do crafts or hobbies… and I certain didn’t watch TV other than The Voice and an occasion MASH rerun. Then, this spring, something changed. I picked up knitting again and made a pair of socks. It felt like such a HUGE accomplishment. I am actually reading a book. Slowly…ever so slowly. But I’m reading it. And now this…a movie!

We had a date! Like real people. We cooled off and cleaned up after mowing and headed to town. We got to the theater just in time to catch some of the previews. We shared a popcorn and a soda. The theater has those reclining seats so it’s just like sitting in your living room…only with a ginormous screen. I felt a thrill of excitement and reached over to squeeze Mr. FixIt’s hand. He turned to me a smiled. He knew this was BIG for me and he was happy for me…and, I dare say, a bit proud. These are such simple things for most people. When you have suffered loss, and grief, these simple things can be monumental…even after five years.

We both really enjoyed the movie. We both got a little teary-eyed at the end. When we were done, we had dinner at Chik-fil-A. We ran some errands since we were in town, and headed home after dark. It was a real live date! In the big picture, our relationship is still relatively young. It’s important to court each other and have a real date on occasion. Even when you’re retired and you can do pretty much whatever you want. It was a lovely reward for working so hard and something like that doesn’t break the bank. 

“Mamma Mia…here we go again! My, my, how can I resist ya!” ❤️


8 thoughts on “Date Night…”Mamma Mia – Here We Go Again!”

  1. I am back up in your neck or the woods in Bellaire,Ohio. I lost my 98 year old Mom on Sunday. She was sick only 6 days. They said she was full of cancer. She didn’t feel well so they did an ultrasound and found it. Told her on Friday,admitting her into hospice care and passed Sunday afternoon. There was no pain. Me on the other hand, felt like I was having a heart attack. I went to the ER and was checked out since I had a thousand mile trip to make. I had a major panic attack. My son ,Sat by crying not knowing what was going on. After they got me calmed down and then got Kevin calmed down. We made the trip Mon. with no issues. Made funeral arrangements yesterday still some things to finish today. It hasn’t been two years since I lost Ken and now I’m having to bury my Mom. Ill have to close down her house ,She still lived by herself, until I can come back again next summer.

  2. Date nights are important at any stage of a relationship, even one that is 44 1/2 yrs old. Glad you had a good time. Good movie.

  3. Great date night movie! Yay for Mr Fix it! I have seen the movie twice now and would go again in heartbeat! Love your posts.

  4. I’m so glad you two had a good time ❤ so glad that you got out and had a date !!! I’m sure there are many more to come !!! Have a wonderful day.

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