Campfire…Nature’s Therapist

Campfire meme
“A campfire is cheaper than therapy.”

There is something incredibly special about girl camping…be it with an organization like Girl Campers or Sisters on the Fly, or just a group of like-minded gal pals who like to get out in the great outdoors. Sometimes conversations go deep. Sometimes you open up about things you never dreamed you’d talk about. You meet strangers and they become Sisters. You laugh. You cry. You learn. There is always common ground with someone.

Camping can be as simple as a pup tent or a minivan or as complex as a big travel trailer or motor home. Meals can be simple throw together salads to an elaborate spread of grand proportions. It can be a fee free gathering of two or three to an epic multi day extravaganza with a hundred or more gathered for “Cowgirl College”. The bottom line is always the same…get away from everyday life and become a girl again.

I never camped with my family when I was growing up. The closest was a week in a cabin along the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River in the mountains of West Virginia. I went to church camp in 7th grade. And I camped a handful of times as an adult. But I never learned the joys of girl camping till after Mr. Virgo died. Girl camping saved me. They taught be that he died…I did not. They set examples of how to be self reliant. They taught me new skills. They taught me that, even in my grief, it was ok to laugh.

Miss Maizie, the original Sister on the Fly, was still camping in her nineties…a martini in one hand and a cigar in the other. And, while I don’t drink or smoke, I can surely identify with that independent, carefree spirit.

I know camping is not for everyone…I certainly don’t rough it. I camp like a girl and sleep on 800 count sheets on a memory foam mattress. I have a bathroom and a shower and a full kitchen. I have a house on wheels. Some would not even call that camping. For me, if there’s the sound of nature at night, if there’s a campfire, and I can sit beneath the stars and laugh with good friends…that’s camping for me. If you’ve never had the opportunity to do this I hope you try it at some point in your life. My heart is happy in my camper. ❤

“The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

7 thoughts on “Campfire…Nature’s Therapist

  1. When I worked in campgrounds years ago, I always dreamed of retiring & getting a camper. Well, I’ve been retired for a while now & have no camper! The husband don’t want to camp!?

    1. Well, you DO know how to remedy That ?. Mine doesn’t either, but I’m finally pulling the trigger and getting a dang tent !!
      A couple girlfriends and off we go ! Only a local campground but that’s ok.
      All the best to you.

  2. Greg and I love camping. I never camped growing up, Greg introduced me. I love it. It’s peaceful. I love sleeping in our camper in the rain. The last 2 times we went camping, I decided to take some pictures of the campfire. It is amazing the things you can see in a still of a campfire. (no flash) Amazing!! Keep up the camping.

  3. Great blog post!! I didn’t grow up camping but my husband, Mike, introduced me to the outdoors!! I love nature and the many sounds it can create…a beautiful symphony!! The campfire is better than any medicine you could ever take!!!! Love it??

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