Boys Don’t Make Passes at Girls Who Wear Glasses

“Giving in and getting new glasses.”

I’ve worn glasses since 7th grade. My first pair were black with very narrow lenses like the popular “granny glasses” of the ‘60s. I remember how remarkable it was to actually be able to SEE. Mr. FixIt remembers the same thing with his first pair. We were both raised in homes without a lot of expendable income and for some reason…glasses seemed to be a luxury we could ill afford.

I remember feeling self conscious in them. The old “boys don’t make passes” comments didn’t help my self-esteem one bit. I was socially awkward anyway…add anything that drew attention to my perceived weaknesses and I wanted to crawl under a rock. 

I went to see the eye doctor Monday. I was thrilled I don’t have any evidence of the glaucoma that my mother suffered with. Her sister is nearly blind from glaucoma so I am most relieved. I do have mild dry eye which isn’t surprising the amount of time I spend in front of a computer screen as well as taking antihistamines every day for allergies. 

I knew my prescription had changed. It’s been three years since I was last tested and I told the doctor I could actually see better at distance than I ever have. She said that is not uncommon because of the relaxation of muscles as we age. However, the opposite occurs to close up vision and mine has changed quite a bit. New glasses it is!

I strolled through the optometric area at the eye clinic. I so want to be bold with my glasses choices. I love the models I have seen with their wild gray hair, their amazing sense of fashion, and their bold glasses. But, try as I might, I kept coming back to the old standbys…rimless bottoms that open up and compliment my face and let my eyes shine. 

Creature of habit or life in the safe zone? Doesn’t matter…it’s all about comfort for me. I can’t wear fragile glasses because I have little ones that inadvertently kick me in the face. And, seriously…what kind of fashion statement is truly necessary for a woman who rides a lawn tractor and pulls a camper? Function before style…all day long!

Besides…Mr. FixIt still makes passes when I wear glasses. And that’s all that matters to me!


“And then GOD answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”

Habakkuk 2:2-3 MSG

2 thoughts on “Boys Don’t Make Passes at Girls Who Wear Glasses

  1. I Love Eyeglasses! I manage a small but busy optical. I always encourage patients to try on everything but stay true to your own personal style! Glad to hear your eyes are in good health! Yearly exams with your family history is a must!

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