Big on the Big Screen

I gave her her first bath, much to her parent’s dismay. I misunderstood. She wanted me to show her how to bathe the baby by not actually DOING it. We all survived and there were plenty of other baths for mom and dad to participate in. Anyway, my first grandchild has gone from a little tadpole to a barracuda. She and her mom are up north at one of her last swim meets as a high school student. Big texted this afternoon with a link and we pulled her events up on the big screen TV. There, I watched my beautiful girls…Big in the water and Daughter #1 timing the races. 

I found myself staring at my daughter between heats. Even though she was clear over on the other side of the pool and the picture was fuzzy, I’d know her anywhere. She still stands like she did when she was little. Gosh, I miss my Colorado peeps terribly. I’m counting down. In two months, I’ll be there with them for Big’s high school graduation.

This is a big year for that. My youngest bonus grandchild graduates in May four days after Big. Then, in August, Mr. FixIt and I will attend our 50+1 Year High School Reunion. We are a year late due to covid. We are truly hoping all will be well for that event. Who knows…between covid and world events, things are dicey.

Yesterday was so lovely and warm. One of my school chums is coming today to pick up “Birdie” and she’s heading off to live in Virginia. We worked on her yesterday and made sure everything was in good order. I went in to our home safe to get the title and…it wasn’t there! I checked the safe deposit box last week and it wasn’t there either. I told Mr. FixIt, I’d better head to town and get a duplicate or we were in big trouble. 

They’re doing some repair work on the two lane about halfway to town. There’s a huge bump that hooves up over the winter. They come in periodically and shave it down, but this time they decided to do a more permanent fix. The traffic was down to one lane with a flagger. As I sat there, I went through the sequence of events, trying to remember where I could have possibly put that title. Suddenly, it hit me!

It was in my purse! I put it there when we traveled to Colorado last year. I learned my lesson when I had to sell that small camper a couple of years ago halfway through my trip because the rough interstate shook the stuffings out of it and it wasn’t safe to tow back. I had to have Mr. FixIt overnight the title. When it arrived, it was the wrong one so we had to try again. This time I had it with us, just in case.

That eliminated the long wait at the DMV, which is always a great relief. I did need to replace some big washers on the weight distribution hitch that goes with the camper. And I needed a new ball for our hitch. I filled up with gas. $100 was the cutoff on the pump…per purchase on plastic. It was full, so I left it alone. Every time I stand in front of the gas pump or the checkout in the market, all I can see are empty baby carriages on a train platform and I hand over the money with such gratitude. 

As I write this, I can hear the spring peepers out there…singing their siren songs…wooing their prospective mates. An occasional night bird I’ve yet to identify calls. The bark of a dog comes echoing down the holler and cars accelerate up the two lane blacktop out front, gaining speed for the steep hill ahead. I can hear the faint background music on the detective show Mr. FixIt loves to watch. Our world here is light years away from the strife and trauma of Ukraine. I pray peace for these people…and for our world. I donate and make informed choices at the voting booth. And I turn it over to God and live the best life I can. I don’t want to squander one moment of it. Those whose lives have ground to a halt in this war would give anything to have this peace. I pray it comes soon.

Today is coffee with my high school friends. We’ll hug and love on each other and not waste a moment of the time we’ve been given. And I’ll try to keep my mind from going into the “what if” closet.


“Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war!”

Psalm 120:6-7 ESV

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