Big on the Big Screen

As promised, I stayed home and had a lay low day. I did a little cooking. I worked on the computer awhile. I watched some instructional videos on YouTube. Mr. FixIt went to town to unclog a pipe in the rental house. When he came back, we watched football. It was a lot of fun to watch the students win big scholarships to further their education. It makes the high cost of sodas a little less painful. We got to have a video chat with some of the Colorado family, and that is always a delight!

The highlight of my day was watching Big in her swim meet. It still floors me that I can sit in the Big Red Chair and watch her swim in the Pacific Northwest! Her other Grandma sent me this picture that they caught of her. I had to watch on my laptop and between the smaller screen and the terrible internet, I had a hard time picking her out of the crowd. She did really well. I chatted with her on Friday night and she said she was a little nervous about this meet. It’s big and it counts for a lot. I told her I was sure she’d do great. And if she did her best, no one could ask for anything more of her. She’s a solid swimmer, but not Olympic material. She knows that and she’s fine with it. She loves to swim, she’s competitive, and she has a lot of fun. Swimming at college has really brought her out of her shell, so that’s Number 1 in my book.

I need to stay off the screen more today because my eyes were really tired by the end of the day. I think they’ve been like that for awhile, but now I’m paying closer attention to them and really noticing how irritated they are. You know, you can have a medical issue creep up on you so slowly, that you accommodate what’s happening. Then you don’t realize how bad it was till it starts to get better, and then you go, “Oh, yeah… this is what I’m supposed to feel like.” I’m looking toward to that happening!

I hope you have a Blessed Sunday and enjoy some restful moments.


“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

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