Big Loss + Big Growth = Big Changes in 2020

“We should all seek to grow through our losses, and accept that change is all there is to do.”

On March 12, 2013…my world as I knew it came crashing to an end. The future Mr. Virgo and I had planned ended right in front of me in the cold, sterile environment of a Colorado emergency room. Time stopped in that moment and I struggled to do the simplest of tasks…breathing was at the top of the list.

I ever so slowly dragged myself along the jagged shards of grief till I could accomplish simple things like personal hygiene, taking care of paperwork, and eating proper meals. Each tiny step seemed monumental and yet my focus was never much further than the end of my nose. But, hours became days, weeks, months. And finally…years.

When I look back on all of that now, I marvel that I survived. I also marvel at this new creation I have become. I am such a different version of myself than I was when Mr. Virgo was alive. I’m not at all sure he would like being married to the me I am now…although I have not a doubt that he would be ever so proud of what I have accomplished in a relatively short time.

Relatively short…if you can call seven Christmases without him “short”. Time is tricky. It seems like yesterday. It seems like eternity. Sometimes, it seems like a dream that I even had him. I’ve learned this is common and it was one of the hardest things to accept. It meant I was growing. Not forgetting…but growing into this new life that I find myself living.

And that’s where I’ve come to sit with you today…coffee in hand…to have a little chat. I’ve felt the winds of change whipping around my head for some time now. I’m not one to fear change. As a matter of fact, I embrace it. Good change, anyway. I find myself in a place now where I need to make some good changes. For me. For the people in my life whom I love and love me.

I’ve written every day…almost every single day…for 2,471 days. That’s 6 years, 9 months, and 5 days…in case you’re wondering. I’ve given everything to this project…this Grief Journal…the Documentary of an Ordinary Life. I’ve spoken from my heart with honesty and what I hope was with empathy and grace. And now…I find myself at a crossroads.

On the day Mr. Virgo died, God threw a pebble in the lake of my life and the ripples have expanded in ever broadening circles…touchIng, crossing, blending with the circles of others. He brought me a companion in Mr. FixIt. With him, God brought me a large extended family that adds to my own in Colorado. More children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren to love and care for.

He crossed my path with Janine Pettit who has not only been a dear friend and mentor, but has opened my world to greater opportunities than I could have envisioned. God has answered my prayers when I asked him to “expand my territory”…my circle of influence…to give me even more opportunities to share how He has touched my life. And to share what wisdom I have been graced with.

There are big projects in the works on a national level which require more and more of my attention. One of which is the new OH-WV Girl Camper Chapter that I share with my dear friend, Gail Bable. We write stories about camping, the things we’ve learned, our favorite picks (parks, equipment, etc.) and local finds. We are essentially Ambassadors for Ohio and West Virginia Tourism as it relates to women travelers…be it camping or otherwise. I also write a series for them called Girl Camper Moments.

There’s my book, which sits waiting for me to get back to it and breathe life into it so it may be born out into the world. There’s a second book, and a third, and….you get my drift. There’s writing to be done and there are only so many hours in the day in which to do it. I have worked so long and hard on Marshmallow Ranch to let it devolve into anything less than the level of quality you have come to expect…and deserve. This is where the growing pains come in.

I have to make some changes.

If I want to do what I feel God is calling me to do, then I have to learn to use my time wisely. Just as our finances belong to God and we must be good stewards of what He has entrusted us with, so too is the time He has graced us with in order to accomplish the purpose He has for us in this life. To that end, I have set up a “work schedule” for 2020. I will post here every Wednesday and every Sunday. I will continue “Sunday Evening Prayer Circle” as that has become such a moment of solace for me and for so many others I know. Then I can focus Friday on Girl Camper and turn the writing time I’ve been using into work time on the book. 

I do hope you continue to follow along. It may take more work to find me. I’m not sure what Facebook will do to my algorithms if I don’t post every day. I will post brief, encouraging photos and quotes frequently. I just won’t be writing the long story posts every day we both have become accustomed to. I get as much…if not more…from my writing when I read your kind and encouraging comments. Your loyalty has not been lost on me and I am ever so grateful for all of you.

And now, it’s…..


It’s all about a new chapter.


It’s all about vision.

With much love and gratitude…



“The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.””

Matthew 13:22-23 NIV

17 thoughts on “Big Loss + Big Growth = Big Changes in 2020

  1. I will miss your posts. But, since I’ve followed you from the beginning, I can see your changes and your need to make these specific ones. It makes my heart sing to see where you have been and have come. Those were the worst possible days…and I’ve experienced some of this with the tragic death of our son-in-law. Your testimony is one of hope and guidance and seeing how God does bring good from tragedy. Just keep following His direction and you are in good hands. I’ll keep watching and reading. Write on!

  2. Glad you are growing and changing and building a terrific life…sad you will cut back on blog posts.
    Selfishly, I wish your focus wasn’t shifting so much to camping (oh! I like to hear your experiences yet have absolutely zero interest in actually doing that myself?).
    Happy Trails! Will look forward to your occasional posts.

    1. Now that I’m doing the posts on the Girl Camper site, I can rest the camping material there and stay focused on live, love, grief, and faith here on my blog. How does that sound? ❤️

  3. Love reading your post each day, i take to heart the things you say and what you went through and have become.God has walked your path with you all the way, and he continues to show you new roads not taken.God Bless you and your new adventures. Merry Christmas the best of a Happy New Year.
    Melba Hugs,

  4. May God continue to bless you Ginny in all your endeavors. You are a gifted writer that has provided this gal insight & clarity with your word choices and descriptions that are thought provoking for me. Thank you! I look forward to reading your future books! Have a Merry Christmas with your wonderful family! ??

  5. May God continue to bless you Ginny in all your endeavors. You are a gifted writer that has provided this gal insight & clarity with your word choices and descriptions that are thought provoking for me. Thank you! I look forward to reading your future books! Have a Merry Christmas with your wonderful family! ??

  6. Thank you for your posts. I came upon your posts a few years back. I hurt for your sorrows. I felt a connection for some reason. I think the reason is on my plate. My husband of 41 years passed away November 16th. The pain, shock and empty spot is all so real. I am having a hard time keeping afloat at this time. I have started to reread you posts so I don’t feel alone. May God bless as your life makes changes. I pray mine will find it way.

    Merry Christmas
    Mari Ann

    1. Awwww, Mari Ann…I am so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you thought to go back and reread some posts. If you want a quick link, you can do a search for any particular subject and find something that might help. My heart is with you, dear one. ❤️

  7. I’m so excited for you and this new season. And it all makes such good sense! I so appreciate all you’ve shared and the lives you have touched in your journey, especially mine! Your writings would come just at the exact moment I needed them. Honestly, if it wasn’t for your blog, I wouldn’t have gotten out of bed a lot of mornings! So I thank you and look forward to what God has planned for you. And I too love listening to Girl Camper and will look and listen for you there. Will definitely be buying your books! A very blessed and merry Christmas to you and your family!!?❤️?

  8. I understand the grief of missing loved ones during the holidays. I lost my mom 9/12 and my dad 5/13. I had no time to grieve the loss of my mom before I lost my dad.
    I appreciate your honesty in writing about your grieving process. We all go through it at our own pace and way.
    Thank you.

  9. I understand the grief of missing loved ones during the holidays. I lost my mom 9/12 and my dad 5/13. I had no time to grieve the loss of my mom before I lost my dad.
    I appreciate your honesty in writing about your grieving process. We all go through it at our own pace and way.
    Thank you.

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