Another Lovely Day at the Campground

Gail had to be in town yesterday, so I spent the morning deep cleaning the camper. I hadn’t really done much other than sweep it out from time to time and it needed some serious attention. I usually end up throwing bags of things in the camper at the last minute when I’m going someplace, so I collated and organized those, too.

The lovely lady who was tent camping a couple of sites away from me was packing up to leave. I cooked my breakfast and as I sat down to give thanks for my meal, I got a nudge. “Share with your neighbor.” I looked over at her. It was cold and rainy Tuesday night. I was sure she hadn’t slept well. I split my big meal in half, added some blueberries and an apple and ran it over to her. Jacqueline is a pastor for a small church in Cleveland. It was such a pleasure to meet her.

Once Gail came back, she came over to tell me lunch would be ready soon. We had a couple of ears of corn and the leftover green beans from the other night. Ohhhh, I will miss the corn. It was so good this summer. We took our leave and went to our respective campers for rest time. I didn’t really rest…I finished up working on the camper. We came back out at around 4:00. I finished knitting my cozy wool hat. Gail finished a pair of fingerless mittens. 

The low for last night was predicted to be in the forties, and the longer we sat out, the colder it got. I decided to bake some apples for our dessert. When I picked up the dish, I proceeded to spill hot, sticky apple juice all over my freshly mopped floor! Ahhhh, well…what can you do? I quickly cleaned it up and delivered the apples to the pavilion where we sit and visit. They were delicious and we save half to make “fried apples” in the morning.

We gave up early and turned in. A friend is coming tonight to camp with us, so we’ll have a fire and call in the owls again. Then, it’s time to go home tomorrow. The insurance company did end up totaling the Lincoln and Mr. FixIt said they came and picked it up yesterday morning. Now, a little paperwork when I get home and we’ll get the settlement check, which is twice what they initially offered. When that woman told me we weren’t going to get another dime out of them, I wanted to say, “Really? Watch me.” But what I actually said was, “Thank you so much for your time.” She doesn’t make the rules. She does what they tell her to do and that’s offer the least amount of money possible and they know most people will sigh and say, “OK.” Now I’m praying they don’t cancel my insurance policy. Darned if you do. Darned if you don’t.

This week has flown by. We’ll have to make today count!


“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Acts 2:42 ESV


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