A Quick Road Trip

Grizzly Creek
“I stopped at Grizzly Creek to catch a shot of the runoff from the snowmelt.”

I decided to make a quick trip up to the mountains to see my brother yesterday. We only get to see each other a few short days when I come to Colorado every summer. Bless his heart…I felt he looked better this time than he did last summer. Although he uses a walker all the time now, he seemed stronger. He is shrinking with age and the first thing he always asks me is, “Are you getting taller???”

My brother has cerebral palsy and some diminished intellectual capacity. His memory has never been very good and it’s only getting worse. He thought I hadn’t come to see him in years but I see him every summer. I told him I would try to figure out how to FaceTime with him. Computers are too complicated for him, but a friend told me about something called a “GrandPad”. I think it’s just for email and pictures though. It doesn’t do video chat. We’ll work something out.

I was a little saddened by the way this little town I lived in for so many years has grown. There were so many people there yet I saw just about all I wanted to see in a couple of hours. The traffic is terrible. It barely resembles the sleepy little cow town we moved to in 1986. The price of progress is often quality of life. Yes, there’s a lot to do now. But that means everyone and their brother wants to come do it. Good for the economy. Bad for the working person. The price of housing is astronomical.

I stayed with my good friend Terri last night. We’ve known each other for many, many years and she lives right around the corner from my old house. We drove by on our way to dinner. I had visited the cemetery earlier and talked with Mr. Virgo. I was a little distressed by the overgrown weeds up there. When I mentioned it to Terri later, she pointed out the vacant lots in the subdivision. The weeds and wild grasses are nearly three feet high in some places. Like much of the rest of the country, Colorado has had a very wet and cool year which promotes overgrowth. Then, when things get really hot and dry out in August, there’s a lot of fuel for wildfires. We pray a lot about that here.

My brother has a full schedule today, so I’m going to head back to Denver. The title for the camper arrived yesterday so I’m going to finish emptying it out and preparing it to sell. Four more sleeps and my sweetheart arrives in Denver!


“Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.””

Acts 14:17 NIV


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