A Marshmallow Day

Hot cocoa with marshmallows meme
“Cold, grey days are Marshmallow Days!”

I got home safe and sound yesterday just in time to leave for church. The tree that had fallen across the road the night before was cut up and moved from the roadway. The same scenario is being repeated over the entire region with the thaw and soaking rains causing the ground to soften. All it takes is a little gust of wind and trees topple easily.

We have thoroughly enjoyed church the last couple of weeks with Mr. FixIt’s daughter and family joining us. I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to take up seven seats in a row. My heart is overflowing.

Our pastor spoke on criticism yesterday. Good criticism comes from a place of love, and even though it stings, it is meant to lift us up. We all have suffered the other kind of criticism that really isn’t “criticism” at all. It’s self-serving and mean spirited and is critical. There’s nothing about love in that. Pastor Justin’s premise was…don’t let them in. Don’t listen to that.

There is a difference between criticism and someone who is merely expressing an opinion and it might be difficult to discern that at times. The other day, someone I care about and whose opinion I value very much sent me a private message. In it, she said my writing has changed. I have become more “evangelical” than she likes on a daily basis. My very first thought was “sting”. Immediately followed by “that’s ok. I still love you.” 

Since then, lots of things have gone through my mind. Am I coming on too strong and driving people away? Have I crossed the line into “Crazy Christian Lady who can’t talk about anything but Jesus?” I wanted to apologize. Then I decided…I really can’t. I write what comes to me. I write from my heart. And I am always brutally honest about my feelings and what I share. 

Some people lose touch with God when they lose their special person. They can’t understand how a loving God could make someone suffer with cancer. Or they prayed for healing and it didn’t come. Or, any number of other reasons. For me…my faith has deepened tremendously since Mr. Virgo died. And especially since I started dating Mr. FixIt. I have never had a relationship that was so “equally yoked”. I’ve never had a partner who came to church with me every Sunday, who holds my hand with his right hand and praises with his left. I’ve never shared late night conversations about God. That alone is enough for me to want to shout from the rooftops. 

This is a dark time of year. I talk about what is on my heart. I try not to make every day “Preaching Sunday” but there are only so many ways I can tell you I knitted all afternoon and still make it interesting. And I am infinitely fascinated by the way God works in my life.

I am always open to loving criticism. I told my dear friend how much I appreciated her candor. I know my writing has changed. I’VE changed. I’ve grown in many, many ways in the last six years. And I truly hope you’ll hang around with me and keep reading. I’m still going to write what is on my heart, and if it’s Jesus or something he is teaching me, you can rest assured…I’m going to write about it. I’ll write about other stuff too, just to mix it up. But, I’m Jesus’ girl first and foremost…there’s no way I’m going to hide that. ❤️

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

20 thoughts on “A Marshmallow Day

  1. Its your page. You can write whatever you want.Some people won’t like it ( no matter what it is) and leave. Others will be touched by it,and stay to enjoy.You can’t tell an artist how to paint. You can’t tell a writer what to write. It comes from the inside.

  2. I follow your blog daily and although we have never met you are a blessing to me and others. Don’t apologize, keep writing your heart even when it’s about Jesus. He will continue to bless you and is touching others thru you. ❤️

  3. I agree with BJ Jones. I look forward to reading your blog each & every day. Jesus is your heart & soul and your writing basks in the glow!

  4. Your writing is wonderful. It is you! If we love God, He should be in our every conversation. I don’t feel that you preach. You just talk about His presence in your life, what he has done for you. Isn’t that what God wants us to do, to share our love for him. May God continue to bless you.

  5. Ginny anyone who has followed you through the years and see you in your darkest hours will agree you have changed. AND for the better. You have come from being a hopeless person to a joyful one with a life that has meaning and a future with hope. Your friend means well and all that matters is that you know that. ❤️ Just be you.

  6. Ginny – Thank you so much for speaking about your daily journey with Christ. Your words help ground me and connect with me most every day if not every day. I love and appreciate you and your writing. Nothing wrong with your God connection. So refreshing these days. ??

  7. I agree with all the ladies. You have to be yourself and talk about where you are on your journey. I actually like it better! I’m not a widow so I couldn’t relate to that aspect of grief. I lost my daughter to suicide. But your sharing has always blessed me. Everyone can glean something. Thank you for being you! Don’t change and don’t apologize! You’re a merciful, loving person. That alone is inspiring and gives us perspective! <3

  8. Ginny, you are a true child of God, He made you to be like HIM, I do not think He would you any other way, sometimes we loss our way, but Jesus is right by us good or bad. I love Him also but I know sometime I let Him down. That is why we need to left one another up. You did that for me, and maybe your friend was having a bad day, we just pray for them. Love your sister in Christ…

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