A Good Kind of Tired

“Girls with Grandmother Faces”

The best laid plans. I had every intention of taking yesterday off and doing nothing but knitting. As soon as coffee was finished, I headed to the office to finish up “just a couple of things”. Three hours later, I emerged when Mr. FixIt needed my help. We are working steadily on the master bath and yesterday was “hang the door”. I’ve never hung a door before…like a pre-hung door with the frame and all. That’s a chore.

I have to tell you…Mr. FixIt doesn’t get things done quick, but when he’s finished, it’s quality engineering. When he had the shower stall in place, it was measured and placed so precisely, you couldn’t slip a dollar bill in the space between. Hanging the door was a little tricky but when it went in, it was darned near perfect. I am very impressed with this man of mine!

We finished in time to clean up and meet our fellow high school classmates for dinner at a local Italian restaurant. There were forty of us there and I looked around at these beautiful people with grey hair and we’re still so young!

An update on the kitten. After spending her entire ten days post-spaying confined to the house, she let us know she was bored out of her gourd and wanted O-U-T-S-I-D-E by firmly biting us whenever we came within reach of her. After I pulled her off my leg for the umpteenth time, she got her wish and has become her sweet kitty self again. We tuck her into the pole building at dusk every night and give her some snuggles and food and water. We check her heated water dish and heated kitty condo and make sure her litter box is presentable and say goodnight.

So, I ended the day…tired and happy. A good tired. The kind of tired where you know you accomplished something. Not bad for a Friday the 13th! And today? It’s up in the air, but I really mean to knit and address Christmas cards. And watch some Christmas movies and make phone calls. And maybe bake something yummy to go with the BEST beef stew that I made yesterday. What are you all up to today?


“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

Psalms 20:4 NIV

8 thoughts on “A Good Kind of Tired

  1. What you did sounds great and what you plan sounds great.
    My Saturday plans:
    Work on lesson plans for this last week before Christmas (& after break)
    Take my son to his leadership training for Boy Scouts
    Go into work and do some decluttering and organizing
    Back home and clean out fridge
    Inventory freezer
    Menu plan
    Grocery shop
    Then read a Christmas romance and put my feet up.

  2. Seniors-Helping-Seniors fundraiser bake sale, silent auction and new toy mart. Music, cookies& coffee, and networking. should be fun.

  3. Today I am trying to get things organized so I can go to the courthouse, social security, funeral home and bank. You see, my sweetheart of over 50 years and married for 48 went to Heaven on December 3. He was the love of my life, soul mate and best friend. However, instead of keeping me informed and financially secure, he kept things from me. I am struggling with anger and desperation! How do I get passed this. I found him in the entrance hall face down. I started CPR, but there was nothing anyone could have done. What I thought was the door slamming was him falling down. I feel like my heart has been ripped in half. I know he was ill with COPD and I know without a doubt he is with Jesus and he has a new body, but it just hurts so bad!!

    1. Oh, Sharon…I can understand your frustration, fear, disappointment…and a thousand other emotions right now. I wish there were easy answers but the best I can tell you is to keep careful notes, watch your money like a hawk, and try to take care of yourself as best you can. This underscores the importance of having important conversations beforehand. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. Know you aren’t alone and many have walked this same path before you. I hope you have support where you are. We are a text away so feel free to reach out when you need to, dear one. ???

      1. I have 2 daughters with families. However my youngest is living with me and has been extremely helpful. I’m just irritated with myself for not being more proactive.

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