A Day on the Tractor

We started out pretty early yesterday. When you have to mow in West Virginia, the afternoons can become so hot and sticky. It’s best to get done as early as you can. We still haven’t received the bolts I ordered for the push mower, so Mr. FixIt busied himself with the weed eater and the pole lopper. I rode the lawn tractor and mowed.

I read somewhere that people should observe “No Mow May” and I had to laugh. They obviously don’t live in a tropical rain forest like we do. If we didn’t stay on top of the mowing and trimming, we would be overrun in one growing season. As it is, we lose a foot of field every year. Then we go through and cut it all back again. It’s crazy how much things grow here.

Grandma always said at this time of year, “We’re knee deep in June!” I’d love to bottle these days up and keep them year round. Seventies to low eighties and I’m a happy camper…even out on the mower. I still mow with my big golf umbrella and headphone playing worship music. I sing at the top of my lungs. I have no idea if the neighbors can hear me, but I know Jesus can so that’s all that matters to me!

My first trip around the field and I came across this box turtle booking it toward the creek. I did what I’ve read to do. I carefully picked him up and moved him a few feet in the direction he was  heading and placed him in a protected area of tall grass. Mr. FixIt took the weed eater down to the creek and cleared out around where the storm drain comes out. He also got rid of a lot of low hanging branches that I was having trouble navigating on the mower. Once we were finished, we headed out to the farm to mow before it rained in the evening. I’m leaving tomorrow for a couple of days camping with some girlfriends and I didn’t want my sweetheart to have to do this work alone. 

Today is my 69th Birthday. I usually celebrate my whole birthday month, but this year someone I know and love is struggling with health issues and it somehow felt rude to go over the top celebrating my own good health and good fortune. It felt like flaunting and that’s not who I am. Mr. FixIt and I were watching CBS Sunday Morning yesterday.

“Tomorrow’s your birthday!” he said with enthusiasm.

I breathed a sigh of relief that he remembered without me having to say anything. I’ve spent many birthdays disappointed that no one remembered. I’m past that now. If they don’t say anything by the day before, I have no problem reminding them. I’m just happy I didn’t have to with my sweetheart. When we were on our way to the farm to mow, I suggested we go to town and get a steak dinner and go to the park tonight for a picnic. I love picnics! Some of my favorite birthday celebrations have been simple dinners out in nature. 

This begins my last year of my 60’s. I’ve thought a lot about that the last few weeks. I doubt 69 is going to be quite as fun as ‘69 was. That was one crazy year! The Beatle’s last public performance. The first flight of the Concorde. The Boeing 747 made its debut. The Pontiac Firebird Trans Am was THE car to have. There was Woodstock. Neil Armstrong and “Buzz”Aldrin were the first humans to step foot on the moon. I turned 16 years old that summer. That’s a magical age anyway, then add all these huge events…it was a pretty monumental year.

So, I’ve decided…I’m going to end my sixties with a bang and shoot for all kinds of good things. Lots of camping and nature. And lots of time with my family and friends. Here’s to a really good year…and many more!


“May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!”

Psalm 20:4 ESV

4 thoughts on “A Day on the Tractor

  1. Best wishes for many more years and Happy Birthday! Mine will be next Saturday when I turn 67. Been married now a little over a year to my second husband. Never dreamed my 60’s I would be so happy.❤️

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