A Country Mile

hat on branch by the river

I had one of the best days ever yesterday. It was absolutely the perfect culmination of my vacation. I’ve been in Bristol visiting my cousin and his wife. I love them so much. I was in 1st grade when Tommy went in the Navy. He came back on leave once in his Navy whites and I fell in love. I was ten. I’ve always been close to Tommy and Suzy so visiting them is a treat I treasure.

Yesterday we took the buggy and rode all around the dam and the river road. We went to the market and bought local apples and sourwood honey. We came back for lunch then drove into town. We went to Bristol Motor Speedway and actually walked inside. That was pretty cool. While I’ve never understood the allure of NASCAR, I’m open to the experience. We came back home and I took a nap before dinner. Then, our dinner guests arrived.

I met Mark and Barb here a year and a half ago. I had attended church with my cousins and a large contingent got together for lunch after. There must have been thirty of us spread out over three tables. I remember marvelling over these beautifully poised southern women mothering their children. Teaching them to be social…gently correcting and guiding them through the interactions that are required of polite young people. It was charming and refreshing.

Mark sat at my left that day and we instantly bonded over stories of fly fishing on the Frying Pan River. Both Mark and his wife are doctors so we had lots in common. Last night the discussion varied from education to book recommendations…food and wine to colleges…football to travel. Genealogy to neuroplasticity. There was much love and laughter and very stimulating conversation. It was icing on the vacation cake.

Today is a travel day. I’m heading home to the farm. As much as I would love to go back to Florida this very minute, the party has to be over sometime. So, I’m on the road again.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭NIV‬

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