UPDATE: Snowy Owl Rescued

Injured Snowy Owl Rescued

If you look at the photo on the left, you see a healthy young owl. You also see a bird from the Arctic that knows nothing about roads. Here it sits in the middle of Emerson Avenue…a busy two lane blacktop north of Parkersburg.

The photo on the right shows the same bird but notice his right wing. It’s now much lower and the bird is remarkably thinner. My birder friend, Julie Zickefoose, surmised it had been injured in some way in the two weeks between pictures and could no longer hunt properly. It turns out, she was correct. Someone came forward this week to say he had hit this snowy owl up on Emerson Avenue when it swooped down in front of him. Mystery solved.

People continued to encroach on the owl’s personal space, interrupting its sleep and stressing it out with their closeup selfies even after being warned away. A decision was made and the owl was rescued by the Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia for rehab.

I’m glad the bird has half a chance to survive. I have no idea what the future will be for this magnificent creature, but at least uninformed locals aren’t trying to throw a coat over it and stuff it in a box. ❤️

UPDATE: Injured owl in Vienna rescued by Avian Conservation Center http://www.thenewscenter.tv/content/news/Arctic-Snowy-Owl-visits-Vienna-465065953.html

“The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:10‬ NIV

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