“I Think We Woke Up The Children…”

Protests then and now
“Protests…Then and Now”

Those of us who were coming of age in the ‘60s remember the protests of the day. Slogans like “Make Love, Not War” are being replaced with “Arms Are For Hugging”. For the last several years I’ve been wondering…”Where are the hippies?” The adolescents of my generation changed the world. It has been frustrating to see subsequent generations become so complacent with the status quo.

I’m not choosing sides here, although I have my own personal opinions and beliefs to be sure. I don’t advocate “taking sides” as much as I have wished for the kids to wake up and care about something. Anything. This is how change and growth occur in a democratic society.

I applaud the young people standing up and speaking out. My heart both broke for them for the subject they must address and swelled with pride to see such passion and eloquence in their plea. This is our future. I would much rather see students rally against violence in schools than to see them give up and give in. I think they didn’t realize the strength of numbers. I think they got fed up and fired up and I hope they don’t back down.

Edited*: *That being said, I have been reminded by a caring reader of the ugly side of the “Make Love, Not War” movement. Our soldiers were subjected to incredible disrespect when they returned from Vietnam and there is absolutely no room for that in the world. Mr. Virgo was in Vietnam and he told me how badly he was treated when he came home. My point here is, I’m glad to see this generation stand for something instead of the disinterested  me-first attitudes of so many kids growing up in the generations since the ‘60s. I know that is a generalization. Peaceful, respectful protest with meaningful, informed dialogue can effect lasting change.*

I’ve been a placard carrier since the first political rally I attended. I have stood alone in a sea of opponents to support my beliefs. I have bucked the system. There came a point when I got tired. Disillusioned. Overwhelmed. *We didn’t always get it right but* it thrills me to see the children waking up, no matter what their call is. Another day…another dawning of the Age of Aquarius. ✌

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.””
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬


8 thoughts on ““I Think We Woke Up The Children…”

  1. Great comment! I remember the similar one from WWII-
    “I think we have awakened a sleeping giant”- Admiral Yamamoto, Japanese Naval Officer?

  2. I would like it a lot better if 1) they understood what they are asking for-the gun used isn’t an assault weapon,it’s a semi-automatic rifle like millions of others in the U.S. It was designed to look ‘cool’ so people think it’s an assault rifle, and it isn’t. It just happens to be very popular model because people like a cool looking gun for the same reason they like a cool looking car, good fitting jeans, etc.
    It’s already difficult to buy a true ‘assault rifle’ which means a fully automatic (machine gun) weapon.
    2) To ban the gun used, you would have to ban all semi-automatic weapons. This means you would be stopping the sale of almost all guns. There would still be millions of them out there. What next? Will police invade homes and try to rip them away from responsible legal owners? What other rights will we give up when we allow the wholesale confiscation of weapons? There are millions of responsible gun owners in the U.S. and a handful of school shootings. To take away the rights of many because the people who should have intervened dropped the ball (the FBI, the people he lived with, the school counselor whom he told he was going to buy a gun and knew he was self harming, the armed security person who was too chicken to enter the building and knew kids were being shot…there is a long list of authorities who failed. Do you think I will let them take away my Constitutional right to keep and bare arms? No.


      1. Thank you for being able to look at all sides of an issue. I have ancestors who fought for our rights in the armed forces. I think of the millions who have done so and many who have died to protect the Constitution. And because of a few people pushing to ban one type of weapon (and they don’t even know what type of weapon they are believing they are discussing a ban on…it would do nothing because it’s already hard to get an actual assault weapon.)…it’s just not acceptable to me. I understand their anger. I’m outraged the people who should have intervened didn’t. I am so sorry for the kids who died and their families. BUT it’s not the fault of all other gun owners. It should not be the reason to take away a Constitutional right.

          1. yes, lol…sorry but I see the right to keep and bear arms as the #1 right that guarantees all other freedoms won’t be stripped away. When it’s gone, say goodbye to the rest. I think it prevents a tyrant from being able to take over our country. So, I’m very passionate about it even though I only have one small gun, rarely shoot and rarely think about guns unless they are in danger of being taken (at least in my own perspective). Then I get concerned.

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