The Walkabout

I’ve been walking a lot the last three days and wanted to share some photographs I’ve taken along the way. Hopefully, you can get a flavor of June on the farm.


Yesterday was really chilly. So chilly, in fact, I had to draw the bedroom window nearly closed and drink hot tea. This has been one of those weeks where I either sleep like a stone or I’m awake all night. I hate those nights. It gives me too much time to think. In the past, my mind often led me down paths where I really had no business going and anxiety would rear it’s ugly head at me.

One thing I have come to know through these Revivals is I have power over darkness. I can send Satan packing with my words. I am a scientist. I worked in medicine for decades. I was married to a doctor for 21 years. And…this I know…doctors do not know everything. When I went through that severe depression as my second marriage was failing, I saw a psychiatrist who spoke death into my life at every visit. He kept saying to me, “This is just the way you are. You have a chemical imbalance in your brain and you have to take all of these medicines every day for the rest of your life, just like a diabetic takes insulin.” It’s no wonder I couldn’t pull out of depression. Those words alone were depressing, let alone the circumstances in my life that were contributing to it. Once I got with a competent doctor, it took him an entire year to convince me I really didn’t have a chemical imbalance and I could safely go off all that medication. It took another two years…two years of withdrawal symptoms with this electrical “zapping” feeling behind my eyes…before I was safely off the medications. All told, I lost a decade of my life unnecessarily. It was wicked darkness.

We get what we order into our lives. We can speak depression and anxiety into our lives and we can speak it out. I am not advising you stop any medications your healthcare provider prescribes. I am not giving medical advice. My spiritual path has set me free from the chains that held me captive for so long.

Living a simplified life has opened my heart, expanded my mind, eased my spirit, and strengthened my body. I can walk freely these days and forge through the challenges life throws at me much more quickly because I know God is there with me always. I am filled with awe and wonder at this amazing life I’ve been blessed with. ❤️

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

6 thoughts on “The Walkabout

  1. Beautiful pictures and just the words I needed to hear this morning…”we get what we order into our lives”. Yep, the law of attraction. Thanks for helping me get back on track!

  2. Love the pictures and your words. A real spiritual connection with God is the best
    medicine for the soul. Guard your heart ❤️
    Thank you for sharing, Ginny!

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