Summer Nights

Gazebo w/ band

Oh, how I love summer! The days are long and bright and packed full of sunshine and flowers and fun activities. Yesterday was an action packed day. I was up at 6:30 and didn’t get back home till nearly midnight, at which time I had to still write my post. I write every evening, pretty much without fail. I think I could count on two hands how many days I’ve missed since Mr. Virgo died.

Doctor’s appointment. Breakfast with a dear friend, reader, and fellow widow who has recently fallen head over heels in love so there were lots of things to catch up on there. Errands galore. I had the truck thoroughly inspected since I’m going on a road trip soon. They found the pinion seal was leaking and replaced it. Fortunately, it was under the drive-train warranty. It’s good to go now. I borrowed some tools from my good friend, Mr. Fixit. I can work on the camper today. I went out for dinner with a friend and then a group went for live music in the park situated right on the river. We sat and talked till dark and I made the hour long drive back to the farm.

I’ve got a list as long as my arm of things that need doing. I found someone to stay at the farm while I am gone to Colorado. They will feed the cats and the birds. There’s never a dull moment here. It wasn’t 10 minutes after I got home that I wrote this and gave up for the night…happy and content with a day well lived. I’ll write more tomorrow. ❤️

““As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8:22‬ ‭NIV‬

12 thoughts on “Summer Nights

  1. I love summer too, Ginny. Those long days packed with light and sun ! Glad to see that you had a full lived day yesterday. That’s a very nice feeling …
    Thank you for sharing ❤️

  2. Ginny,
    I know that probably you will be busy during your time here in Colorado. Visiting family and friends… but I would like to see you and maybe have a cup of coffee !
    Please let me know. Thanks

  3. Absolutely delighted I just happened to see your post several weeks ago. Almost envy your adventuresome lifestyle. I do mine armchair style.

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