Woman finds miracle cure for Palmar Plantar Psoriasis with cannabis ointment and proprietary blend of emollients and essential oils.

I’ve suffered from Palmar Plantar Psoriasis for the last three years. Only 1-3% of psoriasis suffered have this particular variety. I’ve literally tried everything. I’ve had expensive allergy testing. I’ve used countless tubes of steroid creams. Then, three weeks ago, a friend prayed over my hands. While I was in Colorado, I was driving by a marijuana dispensary and felt compelled to go in when I “heard” the message “They can help you.” I showed them my ands and they handed me a jar of ointment saying, this will fix it.” I thought that was that till I drove by an apothecary and got the same nudge…”Go in…they can help you.” Ok, I’m a listener. And I’m practicing obeying. I found a parking space and went in. “I have this on my hands and feet.” I told them. “You need this.” they said…and handed me a proprietary blend of essential oils and various emollients. I started for home and for the third time, I felt that now familiar nudge and stopped at the hot springs pool. I soaked for three hours then applied my purchases and put on a pair of clean, dry socks and went home. While I was only able to visit the hot springs one more time during my visit, I continued to use the cannabis ointment twice a day, the eczema cream as often as possible, and dropped the steroid cream to about twice a week. As you can see by the picture, after less than two weeks on the regimen, my skin is quite noticeably improved.

I was never a proponent of legalizing marijuana until I had this personal experience. God still answers prayers, as you can see the healing in this picture. He doesn’t necessarily reach down and touch a finger to your injury…but He brings insight to a doctor, and He nudges you to a place that has what you need. I have no doubt my friend’s prayers over my hands have worked. This is the first time in years that I can open doors, pick things up, and walk without pain. I am even getting the feeling back in my fingers. I’m not a medical professional and I’m only relating my own personal experience. We may not see God raising people from the dead these days, that does not mean God isn’t still in the miracle business. I just wanted to share with you my holiday miracle! ❤️

““Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.””
‭‭John‬ ‭4:48‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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