Meme about Kintsukuroi, the Japanese custom of mending broken pottery with gold.

In Japan, when a beautiful piece of pottery is broken, it is often mended with gold, thereby creating something even more beautiful. It is called kintsukuroi. The same can be done with the fractures of life. We often find ourselves broken to the point we feel we are beyond all repair. We’ve all been broken in one way or another…sometimes many times in many ways. When I was a very young children, I experienced a break when I was sexually abused. And then again when I was a teen. Later came two broken marriages and a bout of severe depression. And then…the loss of Mr. Virgo. How can you mend so many breaks and still hold fast the contents of the vessel?

The fractures from my youth and the breaks of my marriages were largely mended through therapy. I learned how to put things into perspective and picked up coping skills that served me well. I also used meditation, creative visualization, and exercise for stress management. There was quite a while in my middle age when I ascribed to every New Age idea that passed my way. I was big into crystals and smudging and having my cards read. I am not passing judgement on those things. There are many people I totally respect who follow different paths and faiths and modalities than mine. I do have to say though…from a totally personal perspective…I never achieved complete healing of my broken past until I gave up and let go of the tail of the kite and gave my life to Christ. Once I did that, the breaks and fractures and crevasses of my life and my heart were filled and my body, mind and heart were veined with the gold of God’s love. Kintsukuroi of the most Divine.

My heart still has cracks, and they are continually being filed in. But…let’s face it…the “kintsukuroi” of post grief will never make our hearts the same as they were before. There is certainly nothing beautiful in that kind of loss. We can achieve a beautiful life again. We can learn to live with a different heart. We can choose joy. We can be happy and strong. It doesn’t come fast…it doesn’t come easily…but it does come. ❤️

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭147:3‬ ‭NIV

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